Baby chicks vent isnt flush I guess?

Water and Starter food. Ive tried to get them to eat yogart since ive read it helps, but they wont eat it. I also give them a little bit of chick grit.
This is whats going on with my new splash Cochin Migi. She is only 5 days and i just cleaned her poof (vent) she had crusty bottom a lot of poo crusted up. I cleaned her off and her vent is swollen.
can i use olive oil? and how can I make sure shes getting enough water? should I take a syringe and momma her for a couple?
we've got a barred rock that has this same issue. She seems totally fine, but the top of her vent points downward. Anything to worry about or should I be breaking out the veggie oil and lotioning her vent?

had to refrain from yelling thats what she said at the top of my lungs during that entire post

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