Baby chicks with growths on their beaks???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 6, 2012
Spring Hill, Florida
I am new to hatching chicks and I dont know what to do.(She is a Polish hen). This is my third set of chicks hatched and mama was doing an awsome job. There were 6 eggs and 6 chicks! The first time with 100% hatch rate. When the chicks were born on 9/11/2012 I knew they were special. On the 3rd or 4th day of life I noticed the smallest of the chicks had what looked like a wart at the top of his beak. I thought it was food but it actuall was attached so I just left it and hoped it wasnt serious. Besides this particular hen will not let me get very close to the chicks and protects them immensly. Anyways I kept an eye on him or her and it seemed to get a lil bigger but not to bad. Now I have found lil warts coming up on 3 other chicks from the same group. What do I do? Could this be the fowl pox that I have read about on your boards? I pulled the 4 infected chicks from mama today and cleaned the areas with a iodine solution for the evening but they are chirping and crying for there mama. Do I have to pull them away from her or should I just put them back with her and continue to treat the growths and hope for the best? The two that dont have any signs of it are with her all quiet and content and these poor chicks are chirping and I feel so bad. The rest of my flock are seperate from where I was housing the mama and the chicks. I am so confused because from what I have read its contracted by mosquitos but also can be spread by contact??? Anyone with any ides or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for listening and I hope someone has any good ideas for me.
Thank you so much. I have been reading some older posts and I think from their descriptions it is a case of the dry pox but still not sure. I will try and post some pics tomorrow during the day. They have settled down and stopped chirping for mama but now im concerned because mama was raising them and now they are on their own. At least they have each other. I dont know if I should put a heat lamp on them? They are 3 weeks and I live in Florida so the temp at night goes down to 75. Is that too cold for them being as they were used to sleeping with mama up until tonight? Im so worried Ill probally be up all night.
Leave them with the mama. She will do more to take care of them than you can and there is nothing either of you can do for the pox if that is what it is. Not being with the mama will stress them more than it is worth.
Thank you. Should I do it now or wait till morning? Its 11 pm and they have settled down. I have a heat lamp on them and they seem cozy. Also should I clean the warts with and Iodine solution twice a day when I put them back? Does that seem to help the healing process? Will the other two chicks get it? Im sorry to ask so many questions its just they are special being born on 9/11/12 and all succesfully hatching i was so excited.
I would worry that she may not take them back after they are removed so I would try to put them back while she is drowsy. I have never put anything on them myself but I have read where others put the iodine on them.
ok thank you I just went out and put them back with mama. It was so cool she was calling them and they all went to sleep together. I feel better. I just hope they make it. I love these chicks and dont want to lose them. It souns like I just have to let the virus take its course. I clean her coop everyday and I will keep putting the Iodine on them to try and dry it out. Goodnite and thank you for your help.
Goodmorning and yes you are very right I love all my chickens. They all have a personality and now that my girls are going broody it is so exciting to see the baby chicks hatch and grow. I will keep you updated and really hope I can get through this and save all six of my precious babies. If anyone else has any imput please let me know and thank you for allowing me to join your group. Have an awsome day and GOD bless!
Are the bumps sort of above their nostrils? I know this sounds stupid, but if they're polish, male polish can start growing combs when really young and that's kind of what they look like, a wart on the nose. Any pictures you can post?

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