Baby duck head bump

clavamo x, amoxicillin

Could you post a picture of the bottle? If you do choose to administer it, you'll have to go the oral route, since its a duckling you can mix some of the powder with some coconut oil, let it sit in the fridge to harden, and put some in its mouth.

Its VERY important the duckling gets the full dosage, if the duckling is getting underdosed the bacteria can build a resistance to the drug.
It's not clavamo x but clindamycin 300mg capsules and amoxicillin 500 mg capsules. Cipro 500 mg tablts. Sorry but to much personal details on the bottles. I just put three needle holes in it and pressed it out good. The liquid looks better to me, it was pink tinged instead of the sickly yellow I got this morning. My hands shook a bit as I was afraid I'd give the tiny thing a lobotomy. It must have felt good to get it out because he stayed still while it was coming out.
I'm a little confused by your posts :oops: Earlier you said you have Clavamox, you don't? But you have Amoxicillin, Clindamycin, and Cirpoycin pills, correct?
Have you been spraying Veterycin on it along with poking holes
Yes, I soaked her good. When she dries I will rub some antibiotic ointment on. I also wondered about using a warm compress in the morning when I poke her again. Other than the lump, she eats drinks poops and plays normally. Weird that it doesn't feel hot.

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