Baby Duck! Help!

Update! He's doing better, it is still really sleepy but I took it out to see how it's doing and it scooted along the floor before it got tired again but it's making loud chirping noises and it's eyes were open. Kinda acts like it's drunk but doing better.
98 is too high it needs to be around 85 actually. 90 tops ducklings don't have to be kept as warm as chicks.
I just put him in a broader box and idk the temp it's a heat lamp with a old towel with water and food, honestly he just looks really tired or a hung over cousin that just wants to sleep.
do you not have a thermometer? Is he able to escape the heat from the lamp?
No I don't but he can leave the heat lamp, lol my husband said he is like me just wants a dark place to sleep in. He is in bottom left corner of the pic in the shade from the light. The light is really strong and warm so I have it at a distance from the box that's why it all looks so bright


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Great news! you really need a thermometer to keep track of the warmth in your brooder. and you need a closed container for water so the little one doesn't fall in and chill or drown. Usually, 24-36 hrs before they are hungry. Once the little duckling is moving around more show it the feed by using your finger and kind of scratching it. Mama duck is the one who shows them where food and water is. When we brood and hatch we have to. Eventually, you'll have to flatten that blanket out so he can move around in the brooder.
No I don't but he can leave the heat lamp, lol my husband said he is like me just wants a dark place to sleep in. He is in bottom left corner of the pic in the shade from the light. The light is really strong and warm so I have it at a distance from the box that's why it all looks so bright
I agree with miss lydia! Thermometers and water bowls ar important when it comes to brooding ducklings.
On another note, a word of warning!! that box won't last long! It'll get dirty and wet pretty fast and he'll outgrow it pretty quick. Are you planning on upgrading it soon?
Great news! you really need a thermometer to keep track of the warmth in your brooder. and you need a closed container for water so the little one doesn't fall in and chill or drown. Usually, 24-36 hrs before they are hungry. Once the little duckling is moving around more show it the feed by using your finger and kind of scratching it. Mama duck is the one who shows them where food and water is. When we brood and hatch we have to. Eventually, you'll have to flatten that blanket out so he can move around in the brooder. View attachment 3065590
Oh he gets around the box alright, he woke up for 5 minutes and scooted around the box launching himself like a rocket it was crazy. Lol.
Thats so cool, I'll make something like that for sure, and I helped it with water and it drank a little but it really didn't care for it so I've left it alone for now. Thank you for the advice!!! I'm still waiting on egg 2.
I agree with miss lydia! Thermometers and water bowls ar important when it comes to brooding ducklings.
On another note, a word of warning!! that box won't last long! It'll get dirty and wet pretty fast and he'll outgrow it pretty quick. Are you planning on upgrading it soon?
Yes! Hoping my husband can make something soon I have a few boxes that aren't in use that I'm ready too use once this one gets messy. Probably by next weekend I will have an actual little broader and coop next.

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