Baby duck need help


Sep 25, 2020
I was convinced to get this special needs duck & got another one in addition. Well the special needs duck died & now I just have the one duckling and I don’t know what to do & what not to do. He seems worried when I leave him he won’t eat or drink unless I’m there or feed him from my hand. I just learned on this blog that I can’t keep him on cedar shaving (which he’s been on for the last two days. He seems to have a slight infection in his eye from some dog hair that got in there this afternoon while he was at work with me in my pocket. I recently put a small hand towel over him and he seems more settled but I’m worried
Hi, there, welcome to BackYard Chickens. Sorry, you're joining under these poor circumstances.

It might be best if you post a thread on the Duck Forum, and I or another member can further help your duckling. From what I've gathered, the duckling has bonded to you since the other one has passed, and since you're not always there this is causing a great deal of stress to the duckling, therefor my first recommendation would be to get another duckling/s her size, as waterfowl, in general, do very poorly when kept alone as you probably now know.

Please do post some pictures of her eye as well. Is it both eyes, or just one? If it's both that would indicate rather an environmental issue rather then an injury, but if it's one I think I'd be safe to say she may have got it poked on something. As DobieLover mentioned, you can try flushing the eye with saline, wipe off any gunk with a damp towel, then apply either an ophthalmic ointment like Terramycin or an antibacterial ointment like Neosporin.
No but I can definitely get him a dish where he does. I just ordered the ointment off of chewy

If your water dish doesn't allow him to dunk his head in, I would suggest getting one that allows him to do that.

I was gonna stop at CVS and get some Saline

Alternatively, you make your own. Simply dissolve half of a teaspoon of salt into 1/2 of a cup of water, boil for fifteen minutes with the lid on, and let cool. You can use a syringe, eyedropper, or a pipette to flush the eye with.

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