Baby duck with leg infection -- please help!!


10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
I have some 10 day old ducklings. Their bands were left on for too long and several of them had some degree of injury from them and I feel terrible about it but I thought they were all ok. One of the runners is limping badly and has a distinctly swollen leg. I soaked it in a saltwater soak and in h203 but it seems really too late for those to help. I have some baytril on hand and I might consider starting it tonight if I can figure out a dose. Has anyone used it on such a small duck? It is still eating and drinking but I don't want to wait until the infection is too overwhelming. Please let me know what I can do!

Thank you!
thanks for the bumps. It seems to be resolving but she is still limping somewhat. If she is not totally better in the next few days, I may have to reconsider my course of action, because I don't want it to become permanent. Someone on another board posted a dosage recommendation... I'll try to post it here for future reference.
I just found this post because the same thing just happened to me. I just got ducks for the first time ever. I didn't realize there were bands that I needed to remove. They weren't even very visible. I feel like a total idiot. My kids and I even got them out to handle and watch them and we never noticed anything until yesterday when my daughter said thier feet were big and they weren't walking right. I am freaking out. I got the bands off, which wasn't easy. And I put medicine on the wounds, but I have no idea what else to do, or how serious it is. I don't want them to die or to lose a foot. They are our first ever birds and now our ignorance might cost them. They are standing upright on the feet today but two of the three are still not using them correctly and one in particular is very discolored. Is there some other treatment to be done that might help them heal? I am so torn up about this. Why did they even put bands on them? Baby chicks don't come banded, according to my sister who helped me get these guys. I had no idea
Please help if you can.
I got some Duramycin-10 to add to their water but have no clue what dose to use for baby ducks. Anyone know how much I should use? I have two waterers, one is a gallon and the other is 3 gallons. Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks
My baby seems to be doing just fine. She still favors that leg a bit but I think it is resolving. I didn't end up doing antibiotics, just soaks and I made sure she was getting lots of food.

XenaTwin: sorry to hear about your duckies. I wouldn't do antibiotics unless you really think there is an infection. My friend had some that were much worse (the band was grown into their legs) and they all got better on their own, with time. Now I know that it is easier to remove the bands with wire cutters if they are too tight, rather than trying to pry them off, just for future reference. I would make sure that they have lots of clean water and give them lots of swimming time.

My ducks are all happily sleeping in a pile of duck fluff -- so sweet!
Thanks for posting again, Stamper. It gives me some hope. Mine sound more like your friends to me. Their bands were well into their legs. I don't know how to really tell if there is an infection or not. I know the affected feet are a good bit discolored from the healthy ones but I really don't know what that means. I don't smell any really bad smell coming from them so that is good I guess. I do see signs of improvement but it hasn't been that long yet. I am hopeful but still very concerned.
Chkn... what is Scarlet Oil and where do I get it? Is that a topical disinfectant or like neosporin? Why do you prefer it? Any info appreciated.

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