baby duck with lots of problems

We need another photo shoot I'll let Robbie know. When Turbo flips in the boards he can right himself by pushing off on the boards. If he is on the ground he cannot flip himself. His little legs will be going 50 miles per hour. Turbo is stronger then he used to be. I think he is trying harder to walk he is pushing himself more. He is more alert not sleeping so much. He is growing not by leaps and bounds but slowly. He was eating just the eggs off the top of his crumbles now he eats the eggs and he's tearing into the crumbles also. I think he knows he's different from Que Sera and trying real hard to walk.

Que Sera's mommy is a mix of runner and her daddy is a black and white duck. One day he just showed up in the yard. Someone decided they didn't want their duck any longer and they put him in our yard. I went to feed the chickens and ducks and a spotted duck walked by me in the yard. I knew we didn't have a black and white spotted duck. So anyway his name is Spot. lol

Turbo still makes the squeaky toy noise. It's pretty deep sounding. Sometimes he does it when he's eating. Que Sera is very vocal especially when she is separated from Turbo. She loves to talk and Turbo on the other hand hardly ever makes a sound.

Good for the little guy that he can right himself after flips in the PT boards. Even though he is growing slowly I love that his appetite is so good. All that protein is helping him. If I heard Turbo make a squeaky toy noise I'd pick him up and kiss his little face. Farout about Spot. Whoever dumped him off found the right place with you.
Que Sera is totally in love with Turbo. It doesn't seem to stop her one bit from smothering him with kisses when he trying to run the opposite direction. Yes he is getting stronger from running and he has learned to turn the opposite direction in the boards to get away from her. She doesn't act like her new feathers are bothering her. Clyde is gorgeous and I'm happy he is her father. He sit patiently waiting for the mamma duck to hatch those babies. Sometimes he would even get in the little house to sit next to Momma on the nest. Que Sera was a late hatcher and the momma had already left the nest when she was pipping. I put her on a pillow and encouraged her to come out of that shell. When she come out I put her in Turbo's cage under his light in his little box. It was love at first sight for her with Turbo.

I am glad her new feathers are not bothering her. She really is a sweetie for taking such a liking or loving to Turbo. She loves him unconditionally which is even more endearing because he doesn't reciprocate. But honestly I think he does in his own way that may not be obvious He depends on her for something, I feel. I still look at the picture you put up of her snuggling on top of him in the boards. So touching and innocent. Clyde sounds like such a kind and caring guy. Wow. It seems usually the males walk off and let momma do the sitting.
I am glad her new feathers are not bothering her. She really is a sweetie for taking such a liking or loving to Turbo. She loves him unconditionally which is even more endearing because he doesn't reciprocate. But honestly I think he does in his own way that may not be obvious He depends on her for something, I feel. I still look at the picture you put up of her snuggling on top of him in the boards. So touching and innocent. Clyde sounds like such a kind and caring guy. Wow. It seems usually the males walk off and let momma do the sitting.
I think Turbo feels something for Que Sera but if he showed it, it would encourage her more to smother him with all those kisses. It's like she can't contain herself. She doesn't want to be picked up anymore. It maybe her new feathers are bothering her. When it's time to come in from the PT time she cries but she runs when I go to pick her up. She hasn't learned how to go up the steps yet to the porch. She can go down but not up.

Clyde was a very expectant father when Cher was sitting on the eggs. He couldn't wait for them to hatch. When she got off the nest to eat or drink he would guard her. He wouldn't let any of the males get around her. The little house is tiny that she laid her eggs in and sometimes I would go by and all I would see is Clydes tail sticking out of the end.

It's time for the Pt workout. I have to get everyone rounded up and food and drinks.

I hope everyone has a nice day.

I emailed the lady on Etsy about the harness. Now that I look back on the message it says partyfowl which I didn't order from her.The lady i ordered from was Sami. . I asked her what the progress is the harness it's been at least a week. She tells me she is still designing the harness. In the meantime I could use a baby diaper until I get the harness made. Turbo's waist is maybe 6 or 7 inches around I don't think a diaper is that small. I write her back and tell her your kidding after a week your still designing this. Anyway she told me a normal order takes at least 2 weeks so since this was a custom order it would probably take longer. I should have read the fine print. Anyway I have sent a message to Partyfowl to see if I can purchase a harness from her and I also asked how long it might take. Turbo might be walking before I get his harness made.

He did his little PT today twice. Que Sera was right there with him encouraging him to turn around at the ends of the boards or she would kiss his beak off. Tomorrow he will get more boards so he will be able to walk further without coming to the end.

I emailed the lady on Etsy about the harness. Now that I look back on the message it says partyfowl which I didn't order from her.The lady i ordered from was Sami. . I asked her what the progress is the harness it's been at least a week. She tells me she is still designing the harness. In the meantime I could use a baby diaper until I get the harness made. Turbo's waist is maybe 6 or 7 inches around I don't think a diaper is that small. I write her back and tell her your kidding after a week your still designing this. Anyway she told me a normal order takes at least 2 weeks so since this was a custom order it would probably take longer. I should have read the fine print. Anyway I have sent a message to Partyfowl to see if I can purchase a harness from her and I also asked how long it might take. Turbo might be walking before I get his harness made.

He did his little PT today twice. Que Sera was right there with him encouraging him to turn around at the ends of the boards or she would kiss his beak off. Tomorrow he will get more boards so he will be able to walk further without coming to the end.

Now I would love to see Que Sera kiss Turbo bill off, well not completely off but just giving him some kisses. Too bad about the harness I hope she gets started on it soon.
Sorry about the harness thing, I don't know how good Sami is with making harness for ducks all I know is partyfowl and that they're good. Even with party fowl it takes about a week or two too make the stuff, you could ask her though if she would do a rush order on it and explain your situation; I know she does do rush orders.

For this halter it says"If your baby has already hatched, and less than 2 weeks old- You can select the RUSH option in the drop down menu above. If you decide to Rush, it will take 5-7 business days to create this item." I know it says less than 2 weeks but you've mentioned that he isn't growing as fast as a normal duckling,

There is also this halter that says this "If your growing juvenile is more than 3 weeks old- You can select the RUSH option in the drop down menu above. If you decide to Rush, it will take 3-5 business days to create this item. If your pet is still under 6 weeks old, but you missed the 3 week old cut-off, you can still purchase the Rush version of this item- your pet will only be able to wear it for approx. 1-2 weeks." but again, you've mentioned Turbo isn't growing normally. Ultimately it's up to you (obviously) but I just thought it'd be easiest.

I recomend reading everything it says on her page under each harness, it talks about how to clean and adjust them etc it's a long read but worth it. Again didn't know which would be best for Turbo so linked both, good luck with this. Also, don't know if you saw but PartyFowl no longer uses their gmail acount you have to send messages on Etsy for them to see.

That's so sweet to know that Que Sera is always encouraging Turbo while he does PT, do you think she knows that he needs the support? That's awesome he gets upgrading boards, he's moving up and getting better at walking. Always happy to hear about Turbo doing better everyday.
I think Turbo feels something for Que Sera but if he showed it, it would encourage her more to smother him with all those kisses. It's like she can't contain herself. She doesn't want to be picked up anymore. It maybe her new feathers are bothering her. When it's time to come in from the PT time she cries but she runs when I go to pick her up. She hasn't learned how to go up the steps yet to the porch. She can go down but not up.

Clyde was a very expectant father when Cher was sitting on the eggs. He couldn't wait for them to hatch. When she got off the nest to eat or drink he would guard her. He wouldn't let any of the males get around her. The little house is tiny that she laid her eggs in and sometimes I would go by and all I would see is Clydes tail sticking out of the end.

It's time for the Pt workout. I have to get everyone rounded up and food and drinks.

I hope everyone has a nice day.

I had a feeling he did. And he may just not be as physically demonstrative about the affection as she is. I think it helps that she is bigger cuz she can kinda protect him. I don't know what it is Patty, but every time I read your posts I am very moved. It is a combination of your awesome devotion, love and the way your little baby fuzzers are.

Wow, Clyde is an amazing husband to Cher. I am glad he protected her from the other males. These ducks are great. Seeing Clyde's tail sticking out of the end is a very cute vision.
I emailed the lady on Etsy about the harness. Now that I look back on the message it says partyfowl which I didn't order from her.The lady i ordered from was Sami. . I asked her what the progress is the harness it's been at least a week. She tells me she is still designing the harness. In the meantime I could use a baby diaper until I get the harness made. Turbo's waist is maybe 6 or 7 inches around I don't think a diaper is that small. I write her back and tell her your kidding after a week your still designing this. Anyway she told me a normal order takes at least 2 weeks so since this was a custom order it would probably take longer. I should have read the fine print. Anyway I have sent a message to Partyfowl to see if I can purchase a harness from her and I also asked how long it might take. Turbo might be walking before I get his harness made.

He did his little PT today twice. Que Sera was right there with him encouraging him to turn around at the ends of the boards or she would kiss his beak off. Tomorrow he will get more boards so he will be able to walk further without coming to the end.

That is frustrating waiting for the harness. I wonder if the designing part is a challenge.

Yay for Turbo's PT. He is really improving. So cool. Que Sera is so patient with him.
I went to Feeders Supply and got Turbo a harness. It's called a comfort harness and it's like a little vest that fits over his back and has two velcrow snaps. One around his neck and one around his belly. It's really cute it's a light brown trimmed in black with a little white stripe across the center. It even come with a little leash. This is made for a ferret but it still fits Turbo. Can you believe they have halters for rats and mice and hamsters. Putting this harness on Turbo is like putting a wetsuit on an earthworm. He won the first round of not wearing the harness. I had to put him in the bathtub to get him to calm down. I kid you not. It took two adults to get him in it. Then after getting everything positioned and the leash on he wouldn't walk. Then I keep telling myself he will eventually get used to it. He will enjoy the freedom of being able to stand up and not do any flipping. He's taking a nap now and when he gets up maybe Robbie can help me ease him back into the harness and we will see how that goes. Wish us luck. I am going to try and talk Robbie into taking some pics of Turbo in it if we are strong enough to get him in it.


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