baby duck with lots of problems

Thanks my grandson finally took the pics and posted them for me. It's not really a pose I just put them down and hope he can take the pic before they take off.

Turbo ate the neo-nate hand feeding formula. I mixed a little of the applesauce in it because he really seems to like the taste of that. His balance is still not what it was. He is doing alot of the flipping on his back. I'm feeding him every four hours and I let him eat as much as he can. He finally quits when he's full.

Turbo will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. He is about half the size of his brothers and sisters. Que Sera is growing so fast. She is bigger then Turbo now. I sure hope she's not half pekin. She will outgrow the cage in a couple of weeks.

What breeds do you have besides Pekin? Can you not leave the food in his cage and let him eat when he wants or does he need help to eat? Just thinking that way he could eat anytime he wanted too. Is he still getting the Nutri drench? I am glad to hear he is eating so good though. Every 4 hrs just seems like to far in between not criticizing just meaning he may need to eat more frequently lil ducklings require alot of calories.
I have one pekin male duck and two runners and several mixed breed male ducks. Turbo looks just like his daddy. He's a runner with a big crest just like Turbos.

There is food and water in the cage all the time. I just don't think he's getting to the food as much as he should. He's not able with all the flipping he is doing. I'm still putting the nutridrench in his water. He was doing so good then it seemed like he was getting weaker. I sure hope he pull threw this I love the little guy.

I have one pekin male duck and two runners and several mixed breed male ducks. Turbo looks just like his daddy. He's a runner with a big crest just like Turbos.

There is food and water in the cage all the time. I just don't think he's getting to the food as much as he should. He's not able with all the flipping he is doing. I'm still putting the nutridrench in his water. He was doing so good then it seemed like he was getting weaker. I sure hope he pull threw this I love the little guy.


He's got virtual love coming at him from lots of people here!
You're taking such great care of him.
Thanks Deb I just wish I could do more for him. He's ate twice already and he loved the boiled eggs I gave him. After he eats he tries to clean himself. That really throws him off balance. He doesn't brace himself against the sides of the cage or the dish the way he used to do. I'm trying to come up with something that will hold him up so he can navigate better.

Thanks Deb I just wish I could do more for him. He's ate twice already and he loved the boiled eggs I gave him. After he eats he tries to clean himself. That really throws him off balance. He doesn't brace himself against the sides of the cage or the dish the way he used to do. I'm trying to come up with something that will hold him up so he can navigate better.

When he is in one place in his cage why not a soft towel again like a donut to hold him upright. I understand what your saying about the food. I'm glad to hear he is eating good though that really makes a big difference. Praying for Turbo and you.

His dad who has the huge crest did you get him as a new hatchling or hatch him? any problems?
I'm going to have to start putting him in the donut again. He is doing way to much flipping. The scab on his head is completely healed now and so is his bill. There is some progress.

Turbo's dad was hatched here. We never had any problem with him at all. In fact Turbo is the only baby that we've had any problems with. I still think it was the mother that caused his injuries. I think she was just trying to protect the babies because we were looking at them. She's been a great mom to the little ones since that incident. In fact we had two ducks that hatched their babies at around the same time. They just combined the babies and they all have two mommy's. We gave away 5 of the baby ducks but we still have 10 left. It seems they grow overnight.

I'm going to have to start putting him in the donut again. He is doing way to much flipping. The scab on his head is completely healed now and so is his bill. There is some progress.

Turbo's dad was hatched here. We never had any problem with him at all. In fact Turbo is the only baby that we've had any problems with. I still think it was the mother that caused his injuries. I think she was just trying to protect the babies because we were looking at them. She's been a great mom to the little ones since that incident. In fact we had two ducks that hatched their babies at around the same time. They just combined the babies and they all have two mommy's. We gave away 5 of the baby ducks but we still have 10 left. It seems they grow overnight.

Progress is good. Almost 4 yrs ago one of my Muscovy's was sitting on eggs on hatch day for reasons only to her and thankfully I came in right when the duckling had hatched, she attacked it got it good around it's head. This is the only time she ever did anything like this. We of course brought the little ducking inside and brooded it and it is a healthy almost 4 yr old drake so I have no idea what was going on in her mind unless she just freaked out being a new mama. Hopefully Turbo will over come his problems and be a healthy little duckling real soon. Does he interact with Que Sera at all? During the day what does he do? Is he able to move around or does he flip if he does?
I'm glad your little one pulled threw and I hope and pray Turbo does too. Que Sera is more attached to Turbo then he is to her now. If Turbo sees her eating or drinking he will try and make it over to the food and the water. He can't keep up with her. She likes to lay beside him but he seems to just tolerate her. At first he had to check out her bill and feet and her beady eyes. He was so excited when he first saw her. Now it's like their old friends just sitting side by side. Turbo spends most of his day laying but he does try and walk. Thats when he does the flip. When he eats or drinks he throws his head back and that gets him off balance. When I hold him he tries to stand straight up. I've seen him walk with his head lowered and he does so much better. He wants to walk straight up and rare his head back and that's when he gets off balance. It almost seems like his head is to heavy for his body. I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers we need them. I hope everyone has a nice day.

I'm glad your little one pulled threw and I hope and pray Turbo does too. Que Sera is more attached to Turbo then he is to her now. If Turbo sees her eating or drinking he will try and make it over to the food and the water. He can't keep up with her. She likes to lay beside him but he seems to just tolerate her. At first he had to check out her bill and feet and her beady eyes. He was so excited when he first saw her. Now it's like their old friends just sitting side by side. Turbo spends most of his day laying but he does try and walk. Thats when he does the flip. When he eats or drinks he throws his head back and that gets him off balance. When I hold him he tries to stand straight up. I've seen him walk with his head lowered and he does so much better. He wants to walk straight up and rare his head back and that's when he gets off balance. It almost seems like his head is to heavy for his body. I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers we need them. I hope everyone has a nice day.

Well I think you are doing everything you can to make sure he has a good shot at coming through this. He sure is a special little duckling. Everyday he is with you is encouraging.
I have put Turbo in a five gallon bucket with a towel around the sides. He is able to lay down or stand straight up without banging his head. I thought I would try this. I tried the towel shaped in a donut and he is jumping out of that. Que Sera is lost without Turbo being in the cage. I put a stuffed animal in with her but she wouldn't have anything to do with it. She screams at the top of her lungs until I get her out of the cage. She follows me everywhere and if I sit down she lays on my foot. She is happiest when sitting on someones lap. I've taken her outside to see her brothers and sisters and she ignores them. She hides behind my legs if the momma duck comes near. I would let her in the bucket with Turbo but she would climb all over him. I put her on the top of the bucket so she could see Turbo and she just sit there and starred at him peeping. She would have been happy if I let her jump in. Anybody have any suggestions on keeping Que Sera happy in the cage by herself while Turbo recoops in the bucket?


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