Baby ducks walking funny/ clumsy

I want to post an update..I've been making the ducks walk to the pond and back again to the coop in the evening. They don't walk around too much but they go in and out if the water and have to go up and down the rocks to do so so I feel like its pretty good exercise for legs that little. Will the bow legged ducks legs straighten themselves out or is there something I should do to help? She plops down and takes frequent breaks from walking and steps on her own feet. I don't want her to be lame or have leg issues and be in pain her whole life 😕 the other duck seems fine now legs are straight just needs to work them muscles.
I can't find the B complex at any of the local farm stores. I've got them on adult duck food that says it's got niacin in it, poultry booster that's got 1000mg of niacin in the whole 1.25 lb container ( I put 2 scoops) and I also sprinkle nutritional yeast on top and in the water. Are the b complex and what I'm using different as far as niacin and b vitamins?
Everything I have seen on here with those who have had a duckling with leg problems has said the liquid B complex works the best and fastest.
I looked for it I just can't find it. Tractor supply says they sell it they just never have any in stocks. Doing some quick research b complex is all of the b vitamins. Nutritional yeast has a lot of what b complex does. I'm on may way out to read the back of the duck food and poultry booster now. It looks like Amazon has some b complex I can order too. Would her legs normally straighten out on their own if she was getting what she needs? The guy at TSC to make a splint but idk how to do that to keep the legs/feet from turning in...
Definitely get it off Amazon and start it asap if you can't find it locally. The liquid vitmain b complex is really what you need! And make sure they get the proper dose every day for the next month or so to really strengthen their legs as much as possible. It's not really a matter of making them exercise more to make the legs strong - exercise is good, but their bodies need the proper nutrients to make them strong. If their legs are weak you don't really want to make them overdo it.
Also, even though the other duck seems fine now, if she was having an issue as well, it's probably good to make sure she gets the vitamin B as well. Pekins really just need more than regular feed can supply.
Definitely get it off Amazon and start it asap if you can't find it locally. The liquid vitmain b complex is really what you need! And make sure they get the proper dose every day for the next month or so to really strengthen their legs as much as possible. It's not really a matter of making them exercise more to make the legs strong - exercise is good, but their bodies need the proper nutrients to make them strong. If their legs are weak you don't really want to make them overdo i

Definitely get it off Amazon and start it asap if you can't find it locally. The liquid vitmain b complex is really what you need! And make sure they get the proper dose every day for the next month or so to really strengthen their legs as much as possible. It's not really a matter of making them exercise more to make the legs strong - exercise is good, but their bodies need the proper nutrients to make them strong. If their legs are weak you don't really want to make them overdo it.
I got some off Amazon but how much do i give ducks?
1 ml per duckling given over treats - it sticks to frozen peas - watermelon absorbs it, and bread does as well. I also added it to a small dish of water for my ducks as well, just to add even more.

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