Baby ducks walking funny/ clumsy

1 ml per duckling given over treats - it sticks to frozen peas - watermelon absorbs it, and bread does as well. I also added it to a small dish of water for my ducks as well, just to add even more.
OK. I read after I asked that ducks should have 10 mg of niacin which is 1 ml. I'm going to give it to them in a little bit of food and then fill their bowl after they finish it since they don't seem to be interested in anything else. They're pretty antisocial even though I spend every free second with them.
Yeah, you just want to make sure that the needy ducks are getting the complete dose each day! Good luck, I hope this turns things around for you. They definitely go through a stage where they hate getting caught - just keep giving them treats and being patient and spending lots of time. They'll come around!
Yeah, you just want to make sure that the needy ducks are getting the complete dose each day! Good luck, I hope this turns things around for you. They definitely go through a stage where they hate getting caught - just keep giving them treats and being patient and spending lots of time. They'll come around!
This is the 2nd set of pekins for me. My 2 adult pekins, Peaches and Waffles, used to follow me everywhere. Peaches the female will come eat from my hand still and Waffles will run after me and try to herd me up with Peaches like I'm one of his ducks😂 I've spent just as much time with these 2 and even though I can catch them easy ( I'm guessing cause of their legs) they won't follow me they try and run away. It really frustrates me that they make food that doesnt have the required nutrients for the animal it's intended for.

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