baby hawk got into the run?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 11, 2013
So the tital says it all. A small hawk somehow got into the run. Would my chickens be able to defend themselves? We have a rooster.
this is tge best picture I have of the wire used. Would the hawk even try to go after the chickens, they're significantlly bigger than the hawk. Thanks!
So, what did the baby hawk do when it got inside the run?? Is it closed on the top? Was it really a baby, or just a small breed of hawk? I wouldn't trust any hawk around any chicken. If that hawk could get in, then I'm guessing that the run is not hawk proof. My bigger fear is that your wire does not make your run weasel proof. You need 1/2" hardware cloth for that. Are the girls shut in to the coop at night? We all do the best we can with the materials we have to work with, realizing that with increased security, comes increased limitation in freedom for the flock, so you have to decide how much security you want in relation to the freedom of your flock.
Hi. I was not there when it got in. All I know is that it was a very small hawk. I guess it sat on the roost in my previous picture. The run is closed in. everyone goes and are shut in at night. Thanks for the advice.
Sure thing! Hope you have no pest problems in the future! My duck was severely injured by a red tailed hawk last year but he pulled through and I did major adjustments to their run and no problem since
Yea. I wanted to use different materials to build the coup/run but I was out voted by my mom and her boyfriend.
Yea. I tried to tell them. I'm the one who did all the research but they still didn't belive me.

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