baby mallard won't open eyes


Feb 1, 2013
SC Lowcountry
I had a baby mallard to hatch yesterday and today when I went to take it out of the hatcher, I noticed it won't open its eyes. It did briefly crack one open but quickly shut it back. Pulled down lid on other side...immediately shut eye back. It has eyeballs, eyes aren't crusted shut, but won't open lids. My main concern is it finding food/water...will it be able to smell them?
I would watch this one closely and observe. I don't know how well it can find food and water itself. I haven't seen this myself, so I'll offer a couple of ideas.

It may have a problem coping with bright light. Is the light bright? If so, try shielding it from the light somehow (something to cast a shadow in the brooder, or ceramic heat lamp instead of a light bulb).

Often, nervous system problems occur, related to vitamin deficiency. I would be sure to get vitamins and electrolytes in the water.
Thanks. Right now he's with some bantam chicks for company in a brooder with a red heat lamp. All seem to be getting along fine. Eyes still firmly shut. I have sav-a-chick I will add to their water. Appreciate your input. We will see what the morning brings.

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