Baby poults at 2.5 weeks old! WARNING:Picture heavy!


Staff PhD
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 25, 2007
Everett WA/Corvallis OR
Here they are growing up. They are about 1lb now. The cornish are at about 1.25 lbs each. I let them run about a bit today when it hit 50F. They got cold quick and jumped back into their brooder in about 15 min though.

Day one:


Today: Day 18





And had to add one of the silkie babies!


Their brooder:


Inside w/ 2 100 W bulbs:
Oh, they are so cute!! I can't wait until we have baby chicks again, I miss their little fluffy bodies and how how sweet they looked. You are really making me jealous because I really want a silkie!!
Oh please tell me you have something other than those clips holding up those lamps - yes? One of my biggest concerns is a heat lamp falling and causing a fire. If they are only clipped onto that bench - Young Lady, get your fanny out there and secure them to the ceiling with a string! My peace of mind is depending on it!

Now to the other business at hand - aren't turkey's the craziest things? Cute but very different!
those poults are just to cute.i love that lil brooder house.its way to as said id secure the brooder light better.because the turkeys could knock it down an cause a fire.
The bench thing is eye hooked and screwed to the back of the wall (where a future nest box will be going after the turkems are out)since the crazy flutter heads knock themselves into the light all the time. The lamps are just clipped onto the bench though since I don't have any beams on the ceiling to tie them to yet. They haven't managed to move the lights on it yet though. I'll have to fix that next weekend when I am home again. They are getting a bit tall for the bench.

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