Baby Pygmy Goats - Pics


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
My pygmy goat Nannie had a baby pygmy goat this morning. She has a history of having more than one but we only have one so far.

We bought her in January and this is my first dealings with goats... period.

So... is it pretty much over or do goats tend to have a space of time between one birth and the next?

She has cleaned the new baby and the baby seems healthy and is walking around.

The nannie is grunting some and sticking her tongue out.

Any pointers would be helpful.


Here are some pics of mama & baby.
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Sorry I am not knowledgeable just wanted to congratulate you. I am really keen to get goats myself.

I hope my reply will also bump your post and you will get an answer quickly.

Hope it all works out fine, and good for you.

Baby goats are so cute,

good luck.
Thanks for the compliments. This is our first new goat since buying the ones we have and this one is a doll for sure.

That brings up another question too.

Our working assumption right now is that this is a female.

Can you tell right away with goats or does that take time?
Spend some time on this site: That link specifically goes to the topic at hand - how to tell if there are more babies in momma. You do need to know if she has another kid inside - it would be a problem at this point. If she has passed the afterbirth/placenta she is 'probably' done. BUT, they can still have a kid after passing the placenta so it's good to check to make sure. Generally if a kid is born after the placenta has passed - it will be dead.

The site also has a great area to show you how to sex the kids - it's really easy and like puppies can be done immediately after birth.

That little doeling is adorable - congrats!

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