Baby Quail being a bully ⚠️ EMERGENCY PLS HELP⚠️

Oob Child

May 13, 2023
I have two baby quail, one being 3 days old and the other only 1 day old. I integrated them slowly, putting them in front of each other with a clear barrier in-between, letting them run around in my room together, etc. They are very similar in size and both imprinted on me.

The older quail, Pancake, has never seen another baby quail before. They were part of the same batch but hatched on different days.

When I introduced Pancake to baby Muffin, she ran at her straight away and started pecking her. She keeps going for her eyes and I don't know what to do as I have no alternative heat source.

What can I do to properly integrate them? I've had babies a week apart in age integrate with no problems, so I'm not sure what's happening here.
Help this is urgent I need to have them together tonight it's currently 4:00 pm

Edit: 4:20 now, we have made 'the protection chamber'.

Pancake is still trying to get to muffin through the glass.

@Nabiki @007Sean @Kiki do you guys have any idea what's going on and/or how to fix it?
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So I was reading that sometimes when you put a new quail in an enclosure where another quail is that the quail that was in the enclosure first will attack newly introduced quail this will happen even if they have been slowly introduced. Pancake has been in the enclosure for 3 days so she/he probably thinks the whole area belongs to him/her.

Maybe you can take both out of the enclosure. Put them in a different looking box or plastic bin or hold them for a little bit, then put them in the new box/changed current box you have (like maybe make it look different by putting other items in it or significantly changing the lay out to make it seem like a new location.Then put them in at the exact same time and see if the older one still picks on the younger one. Mixing ages is hard even if they are a day or two apart because usually the younger ones will get bullied.

Hope this helps!
So I was reading that sometimes when you put a new quail in an enclosure where another quail is that the quail that was in the enclosure first will attack newly introduced quail this will happen even if they have been slowly introduced. Pancake has been in the enclosure for 3 days so she/he probably thinks the whole area belongs to him/her.
She hasn't been though. She was only in there for two minutes before Muffin went in.
Maybe you can take both out of the enclosure. Put them in a different looking box or plastic bin or hold them for a little bit, then put them in the new box/changed current box you have (like maybe make it look different by putting other items in it or significantly changing the lay out to make it seem like a new location.Then put them in at the exact same time and see if the older one still picks on the younger one. Mixing ages is hard even if they are a day or two apart because usually the younger ones will get bullied.

Hope this helps!
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks!
She hasn't been though. She was only in there for two minutes before Muffin went in.

Ok, I'll try that. Thanks!
Hmmm well maybe even that time frame mixed her up, but I think if they were put in there at the same time or just minutes apart then Pancake just sees Muffin as weak and small. Pancake looks pretty plump and Muffin is not quite so plump. So the other option would be to put them in the same enclosure with the separator that you used to try to introduce them the first time until they are both about the same size. Then Muffin can be strong enough to fight back and Pancake might mellow out if they are about the same size. How did you divide them before?

Edit : How similar are they in size you did mention they are pretty similar but how close? Are they the same kinda quail? Does Muffin appear healthy? Did they come from the same clutch?
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Hmmm well maybe even that time frame mixed her up, but I think if they were put in there at the same time or just minutes apart then Pancake just sees Muffin as weak and small. Pancake looks pretty plump and Muffin is not quite so plump. So the other option would be to put them in the same enclosure with the separator that you used to try to introduce them the first time until they are both about the same size. Then Muffin can be strong enough to fight back and Pancake might mellow out if they are about the same size. How did you divide them before?
I put one in a large transparent container and the other outside of it, I also did another try with wire.
Edit : How similar are they in size you did mention they are pretty similar but how close? Are they the same kinda quail? Does Muffin appear healthy? Did they come from the same clutch?
They were set on the same day, but pancake hatched early and Muffin hatched late. Muffin is normal size for her age and so is pancake. They both appear healthy enough. Muffin sleeps a lot more than pancake but I'm not concerned about it.

I put them in with eachother a few minutes ago under close surveillance. Pancake pecked at Muffin a bit and I just nudged her away every time she did. They have been without fighting for about 5 minutes now but they are keeping a distance from each other. It's currently 7:40, so if they haven't fought again by 9 I think I'll leave them be overnight.
Quail are visual birds. Chicks will try to peck at anything to see if its food. I regularly have them trying to grab another's toes, the pecked at baby will make noise and run off. They will eventually learn toes doesn't = food.
This is also why if you get an adult that gets a spot of blood from too rough of a roo, or pecking order being established now everyone will peck at that spot since it isn't normal (thus making it worse).

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