Baby quail is stuck in the egg


6 Years
Jul 19, 2014
SF bay area CA
I read the article about assisting But its been a day and it hasn't done anything
. Its zipped but stopped halfway, I feel like a whole day is too long to rest
. Should i assist? This is my first hatch and i have 7 cute little baby quail out of 14 right now
. Hoping for more!!!!!!!!!!
Its torture waiting for more chicks
I 1st want to say I have never had quail. Hatched out many chicks though with incubator. Sometimes they become shrink wrapped because people open and close the incubator repeatedly or the humidity is not right. The incubator should be closed. It is very tempting to help, but it doesn't always turn out good. I have assisted hatch successfully a couple times, and also I believe I have been responsible for the death of a couple because they were not ready. Is it moving, chirping? How long has it been working on the zip line? They will a lot of times stop and rest during the process. It's hard work for a little baby!
Good luck. Let us know how it turns out. I would love to raise quail someday too. Just not ready for that adventure.
I 1st want to say I have never had quail. Hatched out many chicks though with incubator. Sometimes they become shrink wrapped because people open and close the incubator repeatedly or the humidity is not right. The incubator should be closed. It is very tempting to help, but it doesn't always turn out good. I have assisted hatch successfully a couple times, and also I believe I have been responsible for the death of a couple because they were not ready. Is it moving, chirping? How long has it been working on the zip line? They will a lot of times stop and rest during the process. It's hard work for a little baby!
Good luck. Let us know how it turns out. I would love to raise quail someday too. Just not ready for that adventure.
It died a while ago in the egg.
I assisted another one 2 hours ago. it good now. I have 8 quarter sized chicks now
I hate that. You just have to remember it was going to die anyways
. I helped one out and he hobbled around a bit and died the next day. I felt horrible. There was another I helped out and there was blood. I have read several times, if there is blood STOP! I did not stop because he had been stuck for 2 days with goopy stuff over the pip hole. Just enough for him to still keep peeping. After I got him out he laid on a warm wet washcloth I put in the incubator. When I got home from work that day, there was blood all over the incubator. He is now a beautiful 5month old Olive Egger Rooster. That is my best success story. Assist hatch turns out bad more times than good. But it's not your fault. Enjoy the others!
Hi I have a quail that pitted at 5pm last night and then started to zip it did this for a while it took a couple of hours and then it poped it’s head out a few times but has since stopped, occasionally it pops it’s head out but then stops and nothing happens for a while, when should it hatch out fully ? How many hours can this take ? And also is it. Kemal for it to pop it’s head out and then back in ? Thank you
Ops sorry I ment is it normal for it to pop it’s head out of the egg and then back in ?

If he has been zipped for a few hours I would assist. He may be stuck.

Usually the zip is relatively quick and they are out

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