baby rabbits born april 1st. can i wean them NOW and wait a few a bit?


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
southern ohio
could i wean them now. there huge now . catchin up to their moms size.
is it a BAD thing to wean them now? or not?

thanks. cole.
The momma rabbit weans them from her milk. I think they are healthier when nature is left to work on its own. She knows when they need to stop nursing and won't let them continue.

When she weans them - 6 - 8 weeks, then you should move them out to separate cages because by 8 weeks the boys won't get along well among other issues.
With mine, I leave them with the mom as long as possible. When they are out of the nesting box most of the time, the box comes out. After I see them eating and drinking on their own for about a week or so, then I take out the biggest one day, then next biggest the next day, and so on.

Also how old are they now and what breed.

I have Pure Flemish Giant and Flemish Giant buck over NZ White does (meat rabbit)

Mine are usually weaned by 5 weeks. they start eating on their own at about 3.5 weeks. Smaller breeds take longer.
they were born on april 1st.

i dont know what they are mixed with heres the parents though


the dad(the white one):
i know your supposed to technically wait for 6-8 weeks but can i wean them.there all getting super cramped. jumping over eachother and everything.!
I would do it now, actually I would have done it awhile ago! I breed for meat, so I like to rebreed my does at 5-6 weeks.
At 3 weeks the kits are usualy eating and drinking pretty well on their own. At 4 weeks I start seperating kits from mom, a few a day giving the smaller one longer with mom. I like my does to have atleast a week of alone time before re breeding. At 8 weeks I seperate the kits by sex.
This works for me, in the end you should do what you feel is right for your rabbits. I know some folks that rebreed their does within a week after kindling. That way their ready to kindle by the time the last set of kits is ready to be seperated.
My kits are seperated at 4-5 weeks because they can eat and drink on there own. Usually the mom will wean them off when they are ready though.

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