baby turkey just died just bought them yesterday. this is my very first time trying to raise turkey's what went wrong, šŸ˜­

my baby turkey just died this is the first time I've tried to raise them what went wrong šŸ˜­
Iā€™m so sorry to hear that mark I am new to the baby turkey community also just brought home two babies today. They are going on two days old šŸ„ŗ and I already love them so much it is so sad to think turkeys usually stay with the mother until four or five months and while there babyā€™s they nestle under her wings. Now I got two in my enclosure that do t have a motherā€™s wing. šŸ˜Ÿso I stuck a stuffed squid animal with lots of legs on the side kinda so hopefully they can find some comfort in it fingers crossed. But I am so sorry about your loss.

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