baby won't eat


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 13, 2012
I got 4 chicks last night at a farmers market. 3 are doing great and running around. I have seen those 3 eat and drink numerous times the 4 not at all. The man that sold me the babies had many different types mixed together and all were new hatchlings but I am not sure of exact age. They are now in a 3x3 ft rabbit cage with foot high cardboard purpt along the wall to reduce drafts. I have a 250 watt heAt lamp in there and they are sleeping comfortably not piled but near each other. I have them on medicated starter. They are in my house. So to get back to the fourth one it can't run and seems to trip easily, they are on shavings. It also sleeps much more often. I have seen it peck hay but never eat or drink. She will cry at times. I have tried giving her sugar water and wetted food but she is not perking up. The other chicks are not picking on her and her vent is clean. Any ideas. Her crop does empty as well but when I press lightly air comes out before I try to fed her.
I have 2 silkies and 2 bantoms. Its a silkie
that's not doing well.
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4 may be younger than the other three and may not have learned how to eat or drink like the others. Dip it's beak in the water, when it lifts it's head you should be able to see it swallow. Dip it's beak in cooked mashed up egg and hopefuly it start on it's own after you show it how. Good Luck and Glad you joined BYC
thanks I have dipped its beak 4 or 5 times today she will drink but then will not repeat, I haven't seen her look for food or water. I am so hoping she is just younger.
to any one else who might read this she is on her way out. Liquid clear poo then clear liquid out of her mouth. Its amazing how 1 day of knowing something so little and you get so sad when they pass on even if you expected it all along. Her named was penguin and I wish she could have had a better life.
Oh dear, I am so sorry...I wish I could say something different to help but my suggestions have already been said. Perhaps it is possible, that this little chick was just born weak and won't survive. Again, my condolences, I am so sorry. Always hard to feel helpless like that.
So sorry to hear of your loss. We had four chicks hatch about 12 days ago. 3 yellow ones and 1 black and white one. The black and white one was my favourite.....and it never made it to its 3rd day. I was so sad. It was so pretty and lovely but I guess this sort of thing happens, where there is life there is always death :-( My other three are getting really big now (except for the smallest one). Oh...its a bit of a worry bringing up little chickees.
Sorry to hear ones not doing well. Make sure they aren't too hot. A 250 w light can produce alot of heat and they need to have a cooler area they can escape from the heat. Compare it to them going under mom to warm up when chilled then coming out to wander around in a much cooler temperature. I am putting this out as a possibility becuase I want the others to do well. It was probably something genetic that you couldn't notice or do anything about.
When the rest are thriving and one is unwell, it's not your care that's to blame. I'm sorry for your loss.
Dont worry I am new to chickens but not to animal or avian care. They are in a 3ft by 3 ft pen and i have the light angled towards a corner. They are never panting and often get close to it to sleep. The other 3 are very peppy and happy.

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