baby wood duck?

I'm not sure if they are trying to be rude or not - - but it amazes me how many people DON'T know that you are supposed to leave wild animals alone!
People need to leave young wildlife alone....fawns, rabbits, and birds. mother doesn't stay around the young, they will even run or fly away from them, so they can hide as the predator chase the mother....

Same thing every spring someone always remove them from the wild , then try to find out how to care for to care for them LEAVE THEM ALONE...
You did good!
No one was being rude, you're correct.

The problem is this "Oh LOOK AT the CUTE baby (insert wild critter here) all ALONE!! We have to SAVE IT!!"

Then what happens? That baby has to be raised in CAPTIVITY rather than living it's normal life. If they are lucky they get into a place that knows how to raise and release wild animals, otherwise it spends it's life in a pen or fenced.
I am sorry if I made the wrong decision to take him from the lake, who knows, maybe mom was just around the corner. He wasn't looking so hot though, he looked like he was sick or ailing, at the time I thought it was pure exhaustion. I took him to the wildlife rehab place and they looked at him and said he might have a neurological disorder and maybe mom kicked him out, or he couldn't keep up with the family. Or maybe he was just fine and I made the wrong decision, but if he lives (he was fairly sickly) and he doesn't have an inhibiting disorder they will release him back into the wild when he is old enough. This organization focuses on rehabilitation, not taming the animals.

bemba: I have a common, run of the mill goldfish. I am so surprised he has lived this long!!!
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Sounds good, jujubean99. He'll have a chance with them. Someone brought me a wood duck a few weeks ago because I have ducks. I called Wildlife rehab and sure enough people had just brought in 9. So off I trotted to their place an hour drive from here. In the mean time he had some fresh water, some cooked split peas (that I feed my ducklings) and a nice nap so he'd be big and strong when he met his new buddies (who knows maybe his siblings).

The duck starter would have been fine food for him. Chick starter would not, if it was medicated. Just so you know if there's a next time. God drops off animals here all the time for me to feed and send on their way to a new home.

By the way, our Wildlife Rehab has it set up so you can check on the life you brought to them to see how its doing. Might be interesting to know if it could be saved, could be sad though if not.

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