Bachelor pad for Roo's?


9 Years
Apr 23, 2010
I have read that you can have a coop/run just for a few roosters, and if there arent any hens in there, once they establish who the head honcho is, they will get along just that something that can be taken for granted, (unless you have a mean rooster in there). Can you have several roos in a pen without hens and they get along fine? I have read that on here, but owuld like to hear personal experiences...thank you
Thanks. But no one else has ever seen or had a bachelor pad?
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Well I just built mine this week., and all my boys are 8-10 weeks old, so I can't tell you exactly how it will work out in the long run.

But I got the idea here on BYC, so I'm sure somebody else has a bachelor pad with multiple roosters......
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Well I'm not sure, but i sure would like to know how it turns out for you. One of my last year baby rooster killed the main rooster. He was only 2 years old. this rooster isn't even aggressive, but i have 2 roosters and not enough hens.... Keep us informed....
I did a search on bachelor pads for roos, and it seems for the most part they work pretty well, long as they cant see the hens in other coops...
One of the DW's friends has 24 roos in a bachelor pad. They have all been together since hatch and are out of sight of the hens. They get along fine. I watched them for about an hour and I couldn't tell which one was the head honcho. I'm not sure how it would be if you just put multiple random roos together though.
We have a grow out pen for roos. I've kept as many as 15 together at a time without problems.'s only worked for me with young roos growing up together. Then we butcher them not later than 17-22 wks old, so they're not together for extensive adult rooster 'time'.

It didn't work for me with adult roos who had not previously been together. I've tried putting just 3 of my breeding roos in there, separated from hens & unable to see them. That didn't work. They did more than squabble over pecking order. When the combs started to get bloody and it was plain they were going to continue the fight, I separated them immediately. However, there are other folks who have success with a bachelor pad for adult roos.

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