Back the truck up! Do females have waddles???

Don't feel bad! I have had this "hen" since the end of feb. Got "her" as a sexed female. It wasn't until a week or so ago when I caught "her" UMM... doing to another hen what roosters usually do!
So "she" is either a rooster or just a little confused!
The only problem now is I can't tell "her" apart from the other 4 that look just like her. We have 2 other roosters and really don't want 3. I have heard that if you have to many they can hurt the hens. I all ready have noticed a few hens (we have 18 hens) with bald spots. I have compared body size, wattle size and color everything I can think of and I just can't pin the "rooster" down!
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my chicks are 7 weeks old. the one growin the wattle isn't frizzle like the other two, i'm sure he was meant to be, but his feathers are all flat. the other two are frizzle but their combs just aren't as big as the flat one, and they aren't getting any pink under their chins like the flat one..leads me to believe he's the roo...but who knows
Seeing the pics of the NN hen, makes me wonder...... I have two NN, and both were supposed to be hens, but I thought trish was a roo because "she looks so much different than the other one. I only have pics of trish and not Iris. What do y'all think? Iris doesn't even have a hint of wattles, red anywhere, and a small comb.... What do you think?

I have a turken that has big waddles and and thing that hangs down under her beak. You can't see that in this picture but is sure shows her waddles. I have another turken that has a small comb and waddles. They are the same age.

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