Back to Eden Gardening and Hugelkulture and other non-conventional garden methods

My weather is about 30-35 this week , with some rain; today overcast, Sunday rain. No snow. Just a few frozen bites of rain. lol

DH is cutting up fallen pine that blew down in a recent storm. He is to cut it to use around the green house as a base. It will rot over time but should be good enough for this year and next. Then I expect a redo.
Plan to place branches to bring up the soil level inside the GH.

All of this is a trial.
We had like a full week and half that seemed spring had arrived then last 2 days we have 10 inches of snow but sun is out today and heard the snow melting off the coop
@lazy gardener Wood chip question: I want to line our chicken run with a few inches of wood chips as my entire property slopes and when the snow melts it just likes to drain through the run making a wet mess. Chips will alleviate that AND help build the very poor soil of the run. You advocated AGED wood chips in runs. I assume this is to make sure the volatile compounds go away for for the sake of the birds' respiratory health?

If so, how long does it take to sufficiently "age" wood chips? I'll ask my arborist buddy for non-chicken-toxic hardwood, but whatever I get it'll be GREEN. I was thinking of just spreading them out on tarps in thin layers and periodically stirring them; just leaving them exposed to sun, wind and rain. But I will need to process a LOT of chips over the season to fill the run. I hope I can do it fast enough.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

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