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Cold tolerant crops, yes. Also the 4 x4 beds can be covered if need be. Hot today in the 50's the back down to freezing, up down , up down..... that is our spring. i expect some not to make it....

Lee Reich's utube videos are basic, good for inspiration but Im guessing he keeps the best in his books or in lecture's.....would love to hear him speak!
:frow Hi all. Everyone seems to have been pretty busy, hope your gardens are growing well!

@lazy gardener in sheet composting can I use raw chicken manure if there's some time between prepping the bed and planting?

I've got materials together for sheet composting. I'm trying just a basic manure, cardboard/paper feed bags and mulch (straw) to prep for corn and pumpkins in July so there's about 3 months for decomposition to get going. For cool season crops I'm trying out more layers since they'll have longer to break down before use.
Yes you can, but remember... chicken manure is hot, and high in nitrogen. So, you will need to be stingy with the manure, and generous with the high carbon materials.

My sheet compost was breaking down well last fall. The only materials I had to build with were old leaves, and grass clippings. This spring, I intend to "windrow" the area and plant cucurbits, and brassicas on that site.
Yes you can, but remember... chicken manure is hot, and high in nitrogen. So, you will need to be stingy with the manure, and generous with the high carbon materials.

My sheet compost was breaking down well last fall. The only materials I had to build with were old leaves, and grass clippings. This spring, I intend to "windrow" the area and plant cucurbits, and brassicas on that site.

Thank you. I intend to give it about 3 months before I plant. I'm thinking maybe an inch or so of poop under the cardboard.
The other area I'll be sheet mulching will have about six months to break down before we plant so I'm adding more layers there. My son bought a pickup and his first errand for me is straw delivery :yesss:
Be sure that straw is harvested from a crop that has not been treated with herbicides. Common practice now is to hit those GMO crops with round up as they near harvest date to force the grain to all ripen at the same time.

That's what I'm running in to, have done some calling around. Kinda bummed. I'm seriously considering asking me neighbor for his grass clippings. I give them eggs quite often.
That's what I'm running in to, have done some calling around. Kinda bummed. I'm seriously considering asking me neighbor for his grass clippings. I give them eggs quite often.

By all means, ask your neighbor for his clippings. Does he have a bagger? If so, I bet he'd be willing to drive his mower over, and dump his bags where ever you need the stuff! Trade eggs for clippings.

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