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I wouldn't have guessed that mix! I figured maybe spaniel mix or something. Although I can somewhat see it now with the smaller head. Maybe she is JRT/spaniel?

But that's awesome the collar works so well! Some dogs would just ignore it and go through it so that's great she respects it and it keeps her safe. :)
my parents had a kennel growing up, they bred beagles, basset hounds, jack russels, silky terriers, pugs, chihuahuas, cocker spaniels/ I think that's it / needless to say, i'm a fountain of dog knowledge lol IMO a good dog parent who is equipped with the proper skill set can teach any dog to be good on a farm(or anywhere else ).
well thay dont care for the regular aromatics, basil, lemon grass, lavender etc.. I put tea tree oil on myself to repel ticks and mosquitoes // oooh you just reminded me to get a praying mantis egg sacks! / they are the only bug that can snatch mosquitoes right out of the sky as they fly past lol // i need them for the ticks more though

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