Back to the hen house!


6 Years
Feb 12, 2014
Its been a couple of years since i had my last flock, but I found that once you've had chickens it is in your blood! I recently got a little (so far!) Flock of 6 hens, a black Jersey Giant, 3 black Australorp, and 2 ISA. I am just loving having chickens again, even though I am only getting one egg a day so far! It is so good to be back on BYC
Its been a couple of years since i had my last flock, but I found that once you've had chickens it is in your blood! I recently got a little (so far!) Flock of 6 hens, a black Jersey Giant, 3 black Australorp, and 2 ISA. I am just loving having chickens again, even though I am only getting one egg a day so far! It is so good to be back on BYC

Welcome back, go ahead and flamboyantly show those little ones:frow

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