Backyard Brahmas!!

My Brahmas turned 8 weeks today. Here are the pics for your comments vis-a-vis their quality as well as identifying any possible cockerels. I need to give 2 of them away to make room for some baby chicks my broody is hatching.

Here is Chewie, a possible cockerel?

Following 2 are of Cutie, she was the lightest in the beginning
but now she is the heaviest.

Following 2 are of Sleepy

and here is Sapphire

My Brahmas turned 8 weeks today. Here are the pics for your comments vis-a-vis their quality as well as identifying any possible cockerels. I need to give 2 of them away to make room for some baby chicks my broody is hatching.

Here is Chewie, a possible cockerel?

Following 2 are of Cutie, she was the lightest in the beginning
but now she is the heaviest.

Following 2 are of Sleepy

and here is Sapphire

It is a little early to tell about their quality. Chewy is definitely a cockerel. All of the others look like pullets to me. Sapphire is the only one that looks to me like she has the beetle brow but it might be the camera angle. They should always look angry because of the way the brow makes them look. I don't know if they are all tucking their tails because of the positions that they are being held in, but you are looking for a tail that has a definite U shape (upside down of course), not carried too high nor too low. Chewy is too young to tell whether he is decent quality or not. Either way, they are pretty and I like them!
Some of the ladies checking out their fresh clean coop ;)

And the babies kicked them out for their turn :)
Just hatched my first little baby ever this morning!!!!! :) so excited to see the rest of them come into the world. One little black brahma so far. I was doing it for the specific purpose of having a few more brahmas, and almost died when I saw the fuzzy feet :) will keep up to date as the rest come out.
Just hatched my first little baby ever this morning!!!!!
so excited to see the rest of them come into the world. One little black brahma so far. I was doing it for the specific purpose of having a few more brahmas, and almost died when I saw the fuzzy feet
will keep up to date as the rest come out.
Congrats! BTW, why the name The Colonel?
Just hatched my first little baby ever this morning!!!!!
so excited to see the rest of them come into the world. One little black brahma so far. I was doing it for the specific purpose of having a few more brahmas, and almost died when I saw the fuzzy feet
will keep up to date as the rest come out.

Congrats on the hatch.....
It was my first roosters name. He was a Cornish Rock and no one told me about meat chickens. Got really attached and then he had a heart attack when he was a year old. Picked up the name when I joined. Thank you everyone for the wishes :) still waiting on the rest. Mamas getting restless again so it shouldn't be much longer.
It is a little early to tell about their quality. Chewy is definitely a cockerel. All of the others look like pullets to me. Sapphire is the only one that looks to me like she has the beetle brow but it might be the camera angle. They should always look angry because of the way the brow makes them look. I don't know if they are all tucking their tails because of the positions that they are being held in, but you are looking for a tail that has a definite U shape (upside down of course), not carried too high nor too low. Chewy is too young to tell whether he is decent quality or not. Either way, they are pretty and I like them!
Thanks for your input. So Chewie definitely has to go since I am keeping another Leg-bar cockerel out of my baby chicks. What is a beetle brow? I am assuming its something bad. Sapphire is the lightest of them all as well. She is 594 grams compared to Cutie who is 752 g. So Sapphire needs to go?
Ok so I am a little concerned on this one. Being as it is my first hatch, there is one egg in the nest that is partially broken through, you can see the amniotic sack itself, and there is a rip in it, but I see no movement and can't hear anything. Expecting the worst :(

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