Backyard Brahmas!!

Just have to say my dark brahma girls love the snow. We have a few inches of fresh snow overnight and they are the only hens to bother going out.
So funny, my grandpa came over and started asking me about my two month old Brahmas, he's not super knowledgeable about chickens and the different breeds. When I told him how big they would get, he told me,oh no, they wouldn't get too much bigger than they are now.

Hello y'all this is Garret, formerly miss Gracie until i found out today he is a young roo. Got him recently at an auction. I guess now i need to find him a sexy ladyfriend. Lol he is the sweetest lil thing. Had the sniffles when we brought him home. So he is in the house and spoiled rotten. He is content to be hauled around by the kids and i like a lil lap dog.

Hello y'all this is Garret, formerly miss Gracie until i found out today he is a young roo. Got him recently at an auction. I guess now i need to find him a sexy ladyfriend. Lol he is the sweetest lil thing. Had the sniffles when we brought him home. So he is in the house and spoiled rotten. He is content to be hauled around by the kids and i like a lil lap dog.

Are you sure that he is a Brahma?  There are a few things that stick out to me, the straight comb, the lack of the beetle brow. I'm thinking that he may be a cochin cross of some sort.  But, regardless of his breed he's cute. 


Lol not totally sure... I would be inclined to take your wise words of what he is. He sure acts henish though. Still processing he is a roo. Lol

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