Backyard Brahmas!!

Oh @speckledhen That is just terrible! I hope he gets his just rewards and I hope that hen is back in her own coop soon. I am afraid they would have to be filing an insanity plea for me if that happened. A whole new meaning to the words "crazy chicken lady".
And people wonder why I have keyed padlocks on all my gates and my coop. My thieves were only stealing eggs and violating biosecurity on my property.
Proved to DH it was humans when there were tracks in the snow from the front yard straight to the coop and out again.
I have 3 Heeler mixes that are out at random times.....I pity the poor poultry thief that would ignorantly step into our backyard no I wouldn't have any pity afer further self inspection ;)
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And people wonder why I have keyed padlocks on all my gates and my coop. My thieves were only stealing eggs and violating biosecurity on my property.
Proved to DH it was humans when there were tracks in the snow from the front yard straight to the coop and out again.
She has padlocks on every coop but this was middle of the afternoon and this group was out in its pen. She put locks on the coops because she's had birds stolen more than once from these coops. Once, it was the best Silkie in a breeding group. Second time, some youngsters were sleeping in the nest box, accessible from the outside, but it was locked. They broke the lock and took the babies from the coop. It was winter and they may have just dumped them out in the woods, no idea.

I have 3 Heeler mixes that are out at random times.....I pity the poor poultry thief that would ignorantly step into our backyard no I wouldn't have any pity afer further self inspection ;)
She has a dog, a huge Lab/Great Pyr, but he's not neutered and he can't be roaming, no perimeter fence. There is a run/tie-out thing but he doesn't stay on it and it's been very muddy so he was inside, probably barking his head off with no one to hear him. He would be good out in a perimeter fence because he's leery of strangers and he's huge and intimidating with a deep, scary bark. But, that takes $$$ and she hasn't come up with enough to do that yet. Someone, probably the same lowlife, has been dismantling her back fence and letting her Arabian mare out of the pasture. Staples removed, fence moved to the inside, not pushed outward. This has to stop and them finding a pot crop there may be the beginning of the end for this disgusting family living there.

If I feel someone is lurking around my property, though we really didn't want to get another dog after our two old ones passed away, I will do it, and it will be a big one.

She is so sick over this. She went to a breeder, stood for two hours to get this Dark Brahma pullet and loves her to pieces. I just pray somehow, she gets her back (though, after being on property of the Goblin Gnome, as she calls him, no telling what Lacey has been exposed to).
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