Backyard Brahmas!!

love my brahmas
I think he got fertilized eggs 1st & hatched them out... He then started breeding them... He hatched about 100 birds this year... I happened to get 4 of the youngest from his preferred breeding stock.... I should be getting 2 more from his next batch of chicks after they're old enough... Probably in January or February ... They should be 4 or 5 months old by then... I might wait until march... They should be almost 6 months old by then...
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My light girls are slowly molting and their new feathers seem to have a lot of black where it's supposed to be white. Interesting. They are not all molting at the same pace either.
My light girls are slowly molting and their new feathers seem to have a lot of black where it's supposed to be white. Interesting. They are not all molting at the same pace either.
Can you post pictures? Most of mine are slow molting but two of the darks blew all their feathers in two or three days. For a while they show bare skin then all the bright new feathers come in and they look great.

You can see the bare patches on the bird to the right. A few weeks ago the one on the left looked even worse.

Can you post pictures? Most of mine are slow molting but two of the darks blew all their feathers in two or three days. For a while they show bare skin then all the bright new feathers come in and they look great.

You can see the bare patches on the bird to the right. A few weeks ago the one on the left looked even worse.

Do you ever wonder if they realize how horrible they look. It can't be comfortable, mother nature is a cruel mistress :p
I just lost another Brahma tonight. I'm so tired of losing chickens, but why does it always have to be the Brahmas (my favorite)? We found three pieces of glass in her gizzard, which probably acted like grit for a while, until one of the pieces plugged up the opening to the colon and nothing could leave the gizzard. She basically starved from the gizzard impaction. I have another thin one that I'm wondering what could be impacting her gizzard. At this rate, I'll be needing to order more Brahmas next spring. They're not even two years old yet.

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