Backyard Brahmas!!

I would be at a crossroads trying to cull either.the big roo follows my 4 yr old son everywhere like a puppy. My little man watches over the girls and shows them where the good food is. Hes very well mannered. I may just have to get a few more girls and seperate the 2 flocks. Chicken math lol
There may be some fights at some point.  The dominant rooster won't let the non-dominant mate with any of the pullets.  Depending on the personalities, this can be a simple peck saying to leave the girls alone or can turn into an all out fight.  Just watch for any problems, one of them may need to be removed.

Unfortunately, my cockerel problem will be much bigger if 1/2 of what I hatch are cockerels. :)
ive never hatched any. Can 1 usually expect to have half roos and half pullets?
ive never hatched any. Can 1 usually expect to have half roos and half pullets?
That is the general statistic, yes. Of course, you'd probably have to hatch a thousand eggs to get to that exact number. I've hatched 4 hatches so far. First hatch, out of 4, 1 was a cockerel. Second hatch, out of 6, 3 were cockerels. Third hatch, out of 4....well, to be honest I don't know yet (6 weeks old) but I suspect 2 are cockerels. This last hatch I have no idea, they are only a few weeks old. So, I'm a little under 50% so far.
Hello I have a question about brahmas. I have my first ever brahma chick and it is supposed to be a bantam light brahma but it is just very slightly larger than the standard size EE chicks. They're about two weeks old now. Do you think it's really bantam? I would think it would be smaller even as a chick.

One other question.. Is this a dual purpose breed? They seem to get very large (standard ones) so I was wondering how well they tend to lay. Thanks for any thoughts about it.
Hello I have a question about brahmas. I have my first ever brahma chick and it is supposed to be a bantam light brahma but it is just very slightly larger than the standard size EE chicks. They're about two weeks old now. Do you think it's really bantam? I would think it would be smaller even as a chick.

One other question.. Is this a dual purpose breed? They seem to get very large (standard ones) so I was wondering how well they tend to lay. Thanks for any thoughts about it.
I don't have any bantams yet, but I have some in my incubator. Their eggs are a little bit smaller (not much) than a standard brahma, which lays medium sized eggs. Can't say about their growth rate. My standard brahmas lay for 4 days, take a day off then lay for 4 days...etc, etc. However, I think it is dependent on age and breeding lines. They do tend to lay through the winter more than some other breeds. They are dual purpose, however, if you have a bantam, it probably won't provide much meat as they only get to about 2 lbs.
Hello I have a question about brahmas. I have my first ever brahma chick and it is supposed to be a bantam light brahma but it is just very slightly larger than the standard size EE chicks. They're about two weeks old now. Do you think it's really bantam? I would think it would be smaller even as a chick.

One other question.. Is this a dual purpose breed? They seem to get very large (standard ones) so I was wondering how well they tend to lay. Thanks for any thoughts about it.
hi wh. Im not too sure about bantams but my lf brahmas are huge at 4 months old. My biggest roo can tap the door knob with his beak. I would figure the bantams would be alot larger than most other bantams. Idk for sure tho. Im kinda new.
Well, at least I'm used to it! My husband will hate it though. He used to sit in the stands and listen to the other exhibitors and ask me afterwards why people just can't be gracious to one another!

Anyway, that is the same reason that I'm raising Brahmas to show. I want to get the word out there in my part of the world that there are other breeds besides Old English Game. We have a big history of fighting cocks in this state (just recently outlawed) and it seems like everyone raises the exact same thing. Not a lot of chicken show folks in our area, but I've been having a great conversation with our APA state rep for the past few days.
We are in OEGB country here too............

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