Backyard Brahmas!!

I've used cackle for most of my chicks and have been very pleased. I used ideal once and wasn't as impressed. Our feedstore uses welp and I've got ducks with them and was pleased.

I would love to order from Cackle! They have porcelain duccles and cochin Bantams that i want! Waiting for the go ahead from my hubby though. :p

I've been very pleased with customer service at Meyer, but not so impressed with the Welsummer that has feathers on her legs, and the "orpington" that has yellow legs and looks more like a Plymouth rock!
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I have gotten brahmas, ees, and ducks. I was very impressed with how accurate the pictures are to what you receive. My brahmas have a very crisp Colombian pattern and are decent sized. I was equally impressed with my ees and ducks.

Here's my seven brahma bantams. They are 10 weeks old, and I'm curious which ones you like best, and which ones you think I should keep.

Pullet #1 (Fluff)

Cockerel #1 (Mr. Ugly)

Pullet #2 (Puff) - single comb

Pullet #3 (Sweets)

Cockerel #2: (Sir Patrick) - My favorite!

Cockerel #3 (Skittish)

Cockerel #4 (Big Cheese) - what's with his TAIL??!!
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I think you should keep them all.... But I'm pretty new at this. Are you looking for show birds?

Not show birds really, but I would like to keep the ones that are most like the SOP. Preferably one cockerel and two or three of the hens.

Based on nothing but what I like, I agree that sir Patrick is the most appealing.

Good!!! I'm glad im not the only one. ;-)

When are they supposed to start laying, btw?
Not show birds really, but I would like to keep the ones that are most like the SOP. Preferably one cockerel and two or three of the hens.
Good!!! I'm glad im not the only one. ;-)

When are they supposed to start laying, btw?
Somewhere between 5 months and 8 months. Depends on your lines. If they come from a hatchery, they generally lay earlier rather than later. You can tell when they are getting close as their comb and wattles will start to redden - that usually tells me that they are about a month out, but again, depends on your lines. Sorry that there isn't an easy answer.

Here's my seven brahma bantams. They are 10 weeks old, and I'm curious which ones you like best, and which ones you think I should keep.

Pullet #1 (Fluff)

Cockerel #1 (Mr. Ugly)

Pullet #2 (Puff) - single comb

Pullet #3 (Sweets)

Cockerel #2: (Sir Patrick) - My favorite!

Cockerel #3 (Skittish)

Cockerel #4 (Big Cheese) - what's with his TAIL??!!
There's something going on with the combs that I'm not sure of and I'm not seeing the beetle brow/hawk look/just plain mean look that most have. I'd probably choose Sir Patrick as well, he has a better top line I think. It is really hard to judge these young guys though, they are still a long way from being fully mature. Big Cheese ... I have no idea what happened with the tail there. At 10 weeks they are sort of in the ugly stage, at least mine usually are, so if you can, I'd hold on to all of them and decide later. Patience, grasshopper.
Hey guys I'm new to this thread. My mom is wanting some Brahmas :) We had a Dark Brahma before but the day after she layed her first egg something got her and broke her wing. She ended up dying of some sort of infection... :(

However, we are looking for some Brahmas again
My mom loves the Dark Brahmas and I was wondering if anyone in NC GA SC VA or TN have anything available by any chance? We are wanting pullets or possibly laying hens. We have no more room for chicks
Our welsummers and orpingtons currently have possession over the chick set ups..

She would probably change her mind too if she saw another color of Brahma haha. We are in North Carolina, but would be willing to travel.

These hens would be coming to a forever home :) and will be little bug controllers until they die. No meat will be used from them

Thanks in advance!

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