Backyard Brahmas!!

Brahmas handling heat:

My Brahmas start breathing heavily when it gets to 75 degrees. We have had a very mild summer in Chicago so I am wondering how will they cope with 90 degrees temperature when they can't handle 75 degrees. I know one day it was 88 degrees and they never even came out of the coop. They are only 17 weeks old and 5 lbs so not that heavy. Is it what should I expect from them and handle accordingly?
Mine routinely handle 95 degrees plus...this summer it actually got to 109 (very unusual for us). Anyway, they pant but I just make sure that they have fresh water, sometimes turn a sprinkler on to give them a cool spot in the yard (they don't go into the sprinkler, just after it is off they dig themselves holes to lay in). I also give them a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. They handle it very well for the most part, at least I haven't lost any to heat yet.
Mine routinely handle 95 degrees plus...this summer it actually got to 109 (very unusual for us). Anyway, they pant but I just make sure that they have fresh water, sometimes turn a sprinkler on to give them a cool spot in the yard (they don't go into the sprinkler, just after it is off they dig themselves holes to lay in). I also give them a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. They handle it very well for the most part, at least I haven't lost any to heat yet.
Since they are only 2, I might make them a coop of their own because I am pretty sure in winter when I will seal everything for the rest, they probably will want to come out and play in the snow.
How old are the chicks? Over 90* might be too hot making the Brahma crabby and irritable. Try lowering the heat to 75* and see if that helps. Maybe if they are a little cool they'll have to snuggle and it might make them get along better. If the Brahma is still causing problems try to separate her with wire so she can see the other chicks but can't get to them. Sometimes this 2-3 day 'time-out' helps.
Good luck...let us know how it goes.
We turned off the heat lamp since it's been hot today, because the chicks got more stressed, so we turned it back on and they were okay. We tried to reintroduce the brahma and slw, but as soon as I set her down, she went after the slw. The buff orpington actually jumped in front and gave the brahma a little peck, as if protecting the slw.
Brahmas handling heat:

My Brahmas start breathing heavily when it gets to 75 degrees. We have had a very mild summer in Chicago so I am wondering how will they cope with 90 degrees temperature when they can't handle 75 degrees. I know one day it was 88 degrees and they never even came out of the coop. They are only 17 weeks old and 5 lbs so not that heavy. Is it what should I expect from them and handle accordingly?

Do you mist them? I have a Brahma that does fine here in Phoenix and it's 112.
We turned off the heat lamp since it's been hot today, because the chicks got more stressed, so we turned it back on and they were okay. We tried to reintroduce the brahma and slw, but as soon as I set her down, she went after the slw. The buff orpington actually jumped in front and gave the brahma a little peck, as if protecting the slw.
Forgot to mentio, the chicks are around 3 days old
Forgot to mentio, the chicks are around 3 days old
Most of the time I let them work it out themselves. I've never lost a chick that way, but I only have Brahmas so everyone is pretty much the same size. I've noticed pecking when there are some egg bits left over on the fluff, but usually it stops in a day or two. So, I don't really have an answer to your problem I guess. Might try posting in one of the behavior forums to see if there is an answer there.

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