Backyard Brahmas!!

Lol not totally sure... I would be inclined to take your wise words of what he is. He sure acts henish though. Still processing he is a roo. Lol
Both Cochins and Brahmas are known for their mild mannerness.....he definitely looks like a he, I only guess cochin because of the strait comb. I say mix because his tail is not "bunny" enough for a cochin. Like I said, he's pretty and if you like him that is all that matters!
Both Cochins and Brahmas are known for their mild mannerness.....he definitely looks like a he, I only guess cochin because of the strait comb.  I say mix because his tail is not "bunny" enough for a cochin.  Like I said, he's pretty and if you like him that is all that matters!

Oh he is a keeper. Just trying to decide which ladies to put him with. Or get some more lol.
If it were me I would probably put him with some cochin girls.... Maybe splash or blue
If it were me I would probably put him with some cochin girls.... Maybe splash or blue

Oh that would be awesome! I will start looking for a couple.

Right now i have RIRs, cuckoo marans, splash marans, EEs, silkies, Cooper marans, seabrights,buff's, BR, and some mixes of unknown origin but are great layers. Chicken math has hit me like a freight train. Lol
I am looking for laced brahma sellers within driving distance of alabama. Not interested in dark, light or buff
Don't you just love the blue boys! Such nice color contrast. I have one coming up.. He's actually The only blue I came out with from this summer's hatches (was working with a gold cock over just two blue hens)
He doesn't have the middle toe feathering as nice as yours, but my gold does so I'm still gonna give him a shot and see how he matures.
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The coloring is just fantastic! I've gotta decide if I want to keep my golds separate from my blues now that I have both blue and gold cockerels that are nice. My blue girls need some work though so I think keeping the gold boys with the blue girls and the gold girls with this blue boy might be my best bet. We'll see! your boy is very nice! How old is he? My blue boy is 10 months.
The coloring is just fantastic! I've gotta decide if I want to keep my golds separate from my blues now that I have both blue and gold cockerels that are nice. My blue girls need some work though so I think keeping the gold boys with the blue girls and the gold girls with this blue boy might be my best bet. We'll see! your boy is very nice! How old is he? My blue boy is 10 months.
Mine is only 5mos. So far I like his width pretty good, hoping he'll fill out nicely and maybe have a smaller comb/waddle than his Papa. My girls have nice tight comb/waddles so maybe that'll help? I'm certainly no expert on that. One thing I'm not fond of now is his peaked tail. I have a feeling that won't change but we'll see. I think my gold has a much better shape to his..

If he turns out nice I think I'd like to keep him with gold girls and keep my gold cock with either or both.. I just don't really want to deal with the splash color I would get with putting blue to blue.
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