Backyard Brahmas!!

Dark Brahmas a couple of days old
Same girls at 5 weeks old today...Do we still look like girls to you guys?
They were then and still are quite the range of darkness. One is almost silvery and one quite dark. Hope they are all girls.

Thank you....
Not like what I've got at all Violetsfeather mine have a different head and stance and also mine have feathering down ythe toe. I will try and get some pics today. I don't like over handling them yet as I would rather give them time to settle and feel safe and make friends with me without me holding them for pics but I will see if I can get a few pics of them today. Thanks for the help. I sure hope they are brahmas because I paid an arm and a leg just to have Brahmas which are hard to get in these parts.
Im loving all the beautiful chick pics everyone has posted. Beautiful baby chicks one and all :(
I need help sex-guessing.
I ordered all female bantam chicks from MyPetChicken and I'm 99% sure my mottled cochin is a boy. One of my brahmas combs is redder than the other two so I guess there is a possibility it could be a boy too. Her are some pics, tell me what you think.



And this is a Pullet.

They are seven weeks old yesterday.

Here is the Cochin Cockerel, I'm sure is a boy

They were all supposed to be girls. It was a 90% or 98% sexing guarantee.
What do you guys think?

Over on the Cochin thread we have a rule. If they have a red comb and even that size it's a roo. Cochin pullets dont get red in the face and biggish combs till they r about 20-25 weeks. This is my almost year old and she still has a small comb.

Ordered some meat chicks and couldn't help myself....added 5 light brahmas. The chicks hatched yesterday and are in route.

My only concern is they went from Springfield, MO to KC, MO and are now back in Springfield.... Hope they are being misdirected.
Thank you SD Bird Lady. I was hoping after all my extra efforts in getting them that they were indeed Brahmas I had Thanks for confirming. Looking forward to seeing your chicks when they arrive :)

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