backyard flock


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2022
this is my second attempt at raising chickens..first time was a flock of 30 ,but, now that im retired I just have 5 little hens that are more pets than anything. we live in a small town so I have neighbors and cannot own a rooster..this spring I accidentally got an unsexed polish bantam..I was convinced it was a roo..acted way different than any hen I ever had..he squawks like a kukaburro which is odd and I thought was an attempt at crowing..but yesterday this little guy started doing the submissive casual squat..head down wing spread bootie in the air..he even fluffed his feathers after..I hope it turns out to be a hen..still calling it PoBoy though it possible for roos to exhibit this behavior? hes a teeny tiny little guy compared to my brahma and orpington.. also I should add he chases my husband and son-in-law around like hes trying to peck their heels but when they stop n confront him he pretends he wasnt doin nothin..:D


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