backyard turkey

just curious i was thinking about getting a pair of turkey does the Tom make a lot of noise like the rooster does will the neighbors complain
If you have a close neighbor that would complain about a rooster making noise, they'd likely complain of turkeys too, but with my turkeys it is the hen that make the steady noise at times; both tom and hen can be very loud.

Maybe muscovy ducks would be to your liking. They are about the quietest big poultry I know of. No one will complain of their vocalizations. They DO NOT QUACK AT ALL.
Turkeys are loud! Hens are pretty constant and their default volume is much louder than that of chickens. I actually find the gobbling of toms less intrusive than the crow of a rooster but they do it a lot more frequently. I recommend watching some YouTube videos to get a better idea. That's what helped deter me from guineafowl :p
I live in a subdivision and have a tom and 2 hens. I don't have Facebook or anything but get word through neighbors that people hear turkeys in the neighborhood sometimes when they sit out and drink coffee in the mornings. Some people wish the "wild" turkeys would visit their place. We get a good laugh outta some of those posts lol.

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