Bad Ameraucana Behavior?


7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
Snohomish County
I have had an ameraucana hen and a bantam cochin hen for a few years. The ameraucana is an older hen, still laying. I introduced my mini-flock of 2 bantam cochins; a cockerel and a pullet, and 2 easter egger pullets, all about 4-5 months old. My ameraucana hen is suddenly very aggressive toward the cockerel. She is usually sweet. Today though, she was chasing and attacking him. His comb and earlobe were bleeding. I separated the aggressive hen from the flock. I know to keep her out for a few days, but is there anything else i should do about the behavior? Here is a picture of the hen.
That sounds like the right thing to do. In the next month or so when the cockerels hormones start rising, he should assert himself over her. He is still pretty young to gain control over her. Just keep a close eye on them when they are together. Can you free range them, that usually helps keep them distracted from picking on one individual and allows them to run away if needed.
My chickens can't be free range. I live in the mountains where cougar, coyote, and raccoon are common. I just fixed a hole in my coop the other day because one of my hens (bantam cochin) was attacked a few nights ago by one of those animals. She is okay, just a bite of feathers missing. I might just have to keep the old hen permanently away from the rest. She is molting again right in the coldest time of year, and I want her to be safe because she is getting very old. Thank you.

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