BAD day anyone?

Lets see im curse with bad luck all the time this week i was suppose to get 9 chicks but both hatcheries had bad hatched i placed my order in dec and the one hatchery said that the breed i wanted would be in stock in aug so i canceled both them. My 3rd chick order is suppose to come this week i dont think it gonna. Besides that. My incubators leaking. I had a baby budgie die from unknown causes. My dog at rat poison. My cats extremely skinny. i could go on and on.
And people wonder why im never happy.
yesterday was pretty crappy. My grandpa is getting dementia and is getting severely depressed but refuses to go to the doctor. Every once in a while he has these episodes where he wants everybody out of his house and he threatens to take our animals to the pound and toss us out in the street.

Yesterday was one of those days.. everyone was upset and fighting. It's tough having 5 people in a 3bedroom house, as well as 6 cats, 12 chickens, and some cockatiels...

But I had to move back home, then my mom, and my brother is a teen so he never left.
:hugs for everyone.
Things started off okay today, as usual, and then they sort of deteriorated from there, as usual. I try to remain positive and think that one day, something good might happen. :p It does once in a while, but hasn't happened recently. That's why I always like the start of the day!
20 minutes ago I just had my heart ripped out. I'm losing the only person that matters to me and worse yet I have to totally hide it.
That stinks. Don't be too sad though. I'm sure you'll find someone else, if things don't work out now. When things like that happen, it's best to brush it off, and just move on. Look at the positives in life, and work to make things better.
Let's see, at 2:00 this morning my husband woke me up and told me to get out of the bed.......when I got up, our ceiling was leaking and water running in everywhere......all on our bed and it was still pouring the rain!! Then I go outside and my car has a flat tire. Not a good day!!

Yikes! That is some bad luck! Hey, if today was that bad, tommorow is sure to be better!
Lets see im curse with bad luck all the time this week i was suppose to get 9 chicks but both hatcheries had bad hatched i placed my order in dec and the one hatchery said that the breed i wanted would be in stock in aug so i canceled both them. My 3rd chick order is suppose to come this week i dont think it gonna. Besides that. My incubators leaking. I had a baby budgie die from unknown causes. My dog at rat poison. My cats extremely skinny. i could go on and on.
And people wonder why im never happy.

I've heard your problem with the hatcheries, and that really stinks. As for everything else, im sorry. Look on the bright side, if things are this bad now, they're sure to get better. I hope the rest of your pets stay healthy, and I hope you finally get your chick orders!
yesterday was pretty crappy. My grandpa is getting dementia and is getting severely depressed but refuses to go to the doctor. Every once in a while he has these episodes where he wants everybody out of his house and he threatens to take our animals to the pound and toss us out in the street.

Yesterday was one of those days.. everyone was upset and fighting. It's tough having 5 people in a 3bedroom house, as well as 6 cats, 12 chickens, and some cockatiels...

But I had to move back home, then my mom, and my brother is a teen so he never left.

That sounds scary. Maybe its best that you left. Can you take your pets with you?
for everyone.
Things started off okay today, as usual, and then they sort of deteriorated from there, as usual. I try to remain positive and think that one day, something good might happen.
It does once in a while, but hasn't happened recently. That's why I always like the start of the day!

Way to be optimistic! Its positive thinking like that, that will make good things come your way!
Aww. It probably means he likes you! My rat used to poo in my mom's bed on Mother's Day. As for the hobo spiders, maybe they've come to pay respect to the queen! My house is full of flies.

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