Bad Day - Need to Vent

Some diseases can persist in the soil for months, if not years. Talk to your Ag extension office and see if they can recommend something for a large scale disinfection effort.
Stop keeping the sick ones around. In many cases the ones you "cure" return to the flock as carriers.
Some years back Fred Jeffery wrote a book on chicken diseases. Dr Jeffery said his medicine cabinet contained only a Coccidiostat, Louse Powder & a Hatchet, He advised breeding only from healthy birds to produce healthy birds. It's called breeding for resistance.
Some here regard this approach as harsh but I see accounts like your here all the time-people frustrated by continually losing birds.
I have followed the breeding for resistance approach for years & very rarely do I lose a bird. When I do it's usually due to age or accident-almost never to illness. Last year I hatched over 450 chicks & lost just 1 of them-it got smothered in the corner of the brooder.

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