Bad Experience w/IDEAL Poultry Hatchery: Normal Occurrence?

Hi, all! I wanted to know your opinions of IDEAL Poultry Hatchery and Breeding Farms in Cameron, Texas. I recently placed an order with them, and have had a most disagreeable experience so far. I ordered seven chicks, only three of which have turned out healthy. One (a Russian Orloff male) was dead on arrival. Three others (a female Buckeye and two female Orloffs) were infected with a disease that I can only best describe as stiffness in the legs and wobbliness. One female Orloff died of this disease the night of arrival, and the other Orloff and the Buckeye pretty much went downhill from there. I took very good care of these chicks (I have raised several chicks in the past successfully) and cannot think of anything I erred in. They had clean pine-shaving bedding and water, medicated chick starter feed, proper light and heat, and no drafts in the brooder. I also gave them water-soluble vitamins for the first few days after shipping. I called IDEAL about it, and they said that it was merely shipping stress (bad explanation for the stiff legs and wobbliness). They refused to admit any possible error on their part.

So, as you can see, I haven't had a good experience with IDEAL. However, I want to know if stuff like this has happened to anyone else. I really like IDEAL's low prices and the relatively quick shipping, but I'd rather pay high price and wait awhile to get good stock than pay IDEAL's price and wait IDEAL's time for bad stock.

If IDEAL is normally as bad as it was for me, I'd be indebted to anyone who could give me some better hatchery suggestions. Ones I have considered are: Meyer, Cackle, Purely Poultry, and My Pet Chicken.

I have ordered from ideal poultry a couple of times and had excellent results as opposed to local breeders the chicks I receive some local breeders all died 24 of 24 and the chicks I received some I will poultry olives 24 out of 24 and all are still alive now except for the few the Hawks took out
This forum is full of great reviews!!! Just search each individual hatchery. You will find negative feedback on each one. You have to understand that all hatcheries have issues. Some just have less. After my research, I felt I was better off to sticking with ideal. If I do choose to shop at another hatchery it would be McMurray. JMO
My feed store got their chicks from ideal. Not one dead chick. I got 20 assorted layers and bantams. I am very happy with their condition. I was worried about getting non bearded after reading reviews, but 7 of 9 have beards. now hopefully they will have good crests
Our local co-op ordered through Ideal this year. They labeled the ducks as Buff. I have one remaining Buff and thought I would get her some friends. After 6 weeks it was obvious none of the 5 I picked up were buff. Four of them are huge creamy white Pekin and one is some sort of fawn runner Pekin cross. I'd like to know how that physically happened. At any rate, not a one of the advertised Buff were actually Buff. This is not simply not breeding to standard. Buff ducks don't come in solid creamy white at a size too big.
I just got a very lively batch of chicks from Ideal, but they included those packing peanut chicks, 6 male Buff Cochins arrrgh I now need to find homes for the little guys. I ordered 10 pullets because thats what I wanted and now have the problem of finding someone to take the 6 roosters
Because of this I wont be ordering from ideal agian
I just got a very lively batch of chicks from Ideal, but they included those packing peanut chicks, 6 male Buff Cochins arrrgh I now need to find homes for the little guys. I ordered 10 pullets because thats what I wanted and now have the problem of finding someone to take the 6 roosters
Because of this I wont be ordering from ideal agian

Right from Ideal's Order Policies:
If your order consists of a very small number of items (less than the equivalent of a quarter of a box), there may be male chicks placed in the box for warmth or comfort during shipping. The breed of chicks included varies from order to order and unfortunately we are unable to identify the breed. If you do not wish for us to include males in your order, you may choose to purchase insurance for your shipment at a minimal cost.

By the way: I believe a quarter box is 25 chicks.
Where do you live in relationship to Ideal Hatcheries? I personally wouldn't order any chicks from any hatchery that was more than one day freight from me. The stress of shipping is a VERY serious issue. It's just my own rule of thumb.
I live 8 hrs away. This batch still took 2 days. So actually my babies were 3 days old. Boy they were hungry. I don't blame ideal. Its the postal service. I have confirmation of ship date
I normally order at least 40 chicks a year and have never had a problem. I have had problems with other hatcheries but nothing major . I try to order early in the year or late in the fall.

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