Bad FF


8 Years
Sep 20, 2014
Denver, CO
To make a long story short, I am 99% sure I fed my birds bad fermented feed. Two of the four seem to have recovered this morning, after a day of only water, and the other two still have slow/squishy crops. No odor. Yesterday both started vomiting after I simply picked them up and carried them out of the run... one (Carolina) vomited only liquid, the other (Queen Peach) had a lot of undigested stuff coming up - it wouldn't stop, and I'm almost certain she aspirated something at some point. It was very scary.

Anyway, what do you do if you poison your flock??? How would you treat? A vet is not an option here... not a viable one anyway.

The two that are better this morning got only easily digestible food this morning (apple chunks, cucumber, and some bean sprouts). The other two still only have water. Their crops are not empty but not full --- and still squishy. They're very low energy but still drinking on their own. I honestly thought that Queen Peach wouldn't make it through the night, it was that bad. But she's alert this morning and moving slowly (she's quarantined inside, Carolina is in semi-quarantine outside). I know there's probably very little hope for her, but she's super special and I can't give up on her yet.
Here is a link to some flushes you can use for removing toxins:
The epsom flush and the molasses flush basically flush the system out, and the charcoal actually absorbs toxins to prevent absorption in the digestive tract, and then is passed. Usually with toxins the sooner you do this the better, different toxins absorb at different rates. I would only do one flush type, not a combo, as they all can be dehydrating, and make sure they are taking in plenty of fluids during the treatment.

How are your hens?
Thanks for asking. The two that were better after water and 24 hours are doing great.
I did a round of activated charcoal on the other two after I read the responses above. My sick girls are still sick, although in varying states of sickness. Queen Peach is doing much better, but not 100% yet. Her poops are looking much better, she has empty crop in the morning and she's more energetic but she still will stand around, off-and-on with her eyes closed. She's still in quarantine, but I let her out in the yard for some sunshine and a chance to scratch and do chicken things for a couple of hours each day.
Carolina, on the other hand, has had fluxuating degrees of crop fullness but always squishy. Not sour yet (thank heavens, thanks probably to the monistat I have been giving her 1X/day). She's getting weaker BUT she's still interested in food, off and on. I didn't give her anything food-wise for the first couple of days, but then I thought to give her a few mealworms and she devoured them. She'll only eat mealworms and watermelon.

I've been having a conversation with TwoCrows and she's recommending that I give her some Duramycin since I've done just about everything else. It's our last ditch effort. Our general thought is that whatever happened with the food, well, it hit these two hardest because they already were fighting something beforehand. Both showed small signs of being a little 'off' before the questionable food incident. It probably hit them harder because their immunity was already compromised.

Still hanging in there... for a little longer at least.

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