bad foot infection


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Not sure how I missed this, I like to sit in the coop and watch chicken tv as often as I can.

This looks really bad to me, is this treatable? My first thought is bumblefoot surgery and standard follow up. Please advise.

It is hard to tell with the dirt on her foot, I'm not seeing the "core" that you usually see in bumble foot. It does look infected though. If she were mine, I would start by giving the foot a good scrub and a thorough cleaning with peroxide, betadine, or chlorohexadine. I would probably even rub some neosporin on there (make sure it doesn't have pain killers in it though). Then I'd put her on what ever bedding I thought I could keep the cleanest (maybe paper towels or a towel I could wash or rubber matting). I'd also treat with antibiotics.

If during the cleaning you do see a dark plug (that would be bumble foot) and I would treat for that.
Not that I know of, although I had a friend that said one of his chickens had it and after a bad experience with the surgery, said he was just going to let it work it out by itself, and he said his chicken got better. I would opt for the surgery myself.

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