Bad Rooster Behavior?

Jul 27, 2018
Granite Falls, WA
Roster behavior...

My rooster has suddenly started to be rough with his hens. He’s trying to mate with them more often and they’re obviously fed up. If they don’t submit right away he grabs their necks and rips feathers out while they try to get away. Once they get away he’ll chase them for a good while. If he does get them to submit he almost always falls off the hens all clumsy. He’s doing this to ALL of his hens now. It’s stressing the girls out so they’re all trying to avoid him as much as possible. He is still doing fine protecting the flock and calling the girls to hide when there is danger. Why would he be doing this? In the year I’ve had him and the girls it hasn’t been like this.
View attachment 1734118 Roster behavior...

My rooster has suddenly started to be rough with his hens. He’s trying to mate with them more often and they’re obviously fed up. If they don’t submit right away he grabs their necks and rips feathers out while they try to get away. Once they get away he’ll chase them for a good while. If he does get them to submit he almost always falls off the hens all clumsy. He’s doing this to ALL of his hens now. It’s stressing the girls out so they’re all trying to avoid him as much as possible. He is still doing fine protecting the flock and calling the girls to hide when there is danger. Why would he be doing this? In the year I’ve had him and the girls it hasn’t been like this.
It's Spring.
It's what roosters do.
If no blood is being spilt then leave them to sort it out among themselves.
How old is he? Roosters can go through periods where it seems increased hormones and instincts make them act a bit crazy. I have a two year old roo who became aggressive with ME around his first birthday for a few weeks then calmed down again. So your roo could be just going through a phase of being extra aggressive and desperate to sow his seeds.

Roosters will always be driven to mate and will get frustrated with the hens not submitting enough, but they shouldnt injure the hens. Do your hens have enough space to escape him? How many hens do you have?
The rooster is a few years old at least. Right now he has 4 hens (he only had 2 last year.) They have plenty of space: they have the freedom of my fenced yard during the day.

Adding more hens hasn’t gone well. The older hens killed one, an owl got another, and another just disappeared one day.
You more then likely need more,at least 8 or 10 for one.I would honestly get four or five hens an introduce them as a group, no body should get killed that way.Doing some research on quarantine and how to introduce chickens should help, how did you proceed to introduce them last time?
The behaviors normal but if you have more and he has more selection it would probably help not stress them out so bad.If getting new hens isn’t an option,I would either get rid of the male,or separate him till he calms down.

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