So bad I cannot even tell if she has a tongue left. I thought she was suffering from a respiratory infection, so yesterday I checked to see if she had a blockage (she was shaking her head). When I opened her beak, there was what looked to be an irregular shaped chunk of old, wet chicken feed in her mouth. I tried to sweep it out with a q-tip, but it was attached. It stinks - she stinks - bad infection - probably necrosis. Maybe it has abcessed. The yellow granular 'growth' in the area of the tongue is hard, and I can slowly remove small pieces of it. But it is definitely attached to the tissue below. I cannot see her tongue, and am afraid it may be gone. She has lost weight, in general looks sick, and her poo this morning after I let her down was liquidy. No, I have not started any antibiotics - but I can today - any recommendations????? Any thoughts on long term outlook? I don't want her to suffer - should I be thinking about humanely letting her go?