Bald Eagles are after our chickens

I feel for you. I'm also in Washington state, and the eagles are especially prolific this year. I free range in my orchard as well and lost my little call hen last month to a giant bald eagle. Came right up next to the house to get her. I witnessed three additional attempts at my standard ducks down in the field, but was able to run the eagle off before any casualties. I know that they're beautiful and it's nature and all that, but I really wish we were allowed to treat them like other predators.

You may have a different experience, but I have never found reflective tape to be effective against aerial predators. The only thing that works around here is plenty of cover. I have a ton of river willow and weeping willow trees that the birds take to when they see a big shadow. We are also currently in the process of building a much larger coop so that we can keep them shut in for a week if necessary when the eagles are particularly bad. I say to give your tomato cage idea a try — I'd be delighted to hear if it works!
That’s what mine do whenever they see a shadow. They also usually don’t leave them selves exposed out in the open, they sort of go from tree to tree.
I have about 17 trees in my backyard and I am trimming them all like umbrellas. I also have a chain-link fence about 4 feet high all around their chicken yard and their coop and run are inside the chicken yard also growing tunnels in their yard. I also have various chicken wire fences up around in my yard for when they free range around the trees that I use as growing areas for myself and my chickens.
That sounds perfect. I think that's what I need to do too.
That’s what mine do whenever they see a shadow. They also usually don’t leave them selves exposed out in the open, they sort of go from tree to tree.
I've also found that certain breeds are a bit more daring in their wandering. I love EEs, but I can't seem to keep them alive. They always wander the farthest, jump fences, and do as they please. I lose them to predators every time. My bantam Cochins are cautious. They stick closer to the coop, and dart around underneath things. My Hamburgs and Orloffs are forest chickens. They don't really like being in the open at all. I've got a group of Cream Brabanters about to start ranging too. I'm curious to see what type they are.
Yes, keep your trees low and let them grow really wide. It is also better for picking things that way too.
Yes, we do that too, but we also have some open spaces out for more trees. I have planted a couple but they are small at the moment. And then there is the berry patch run, which I've just closed them out of for the time being. There is a long landing strip there. That's where I want to create an obstacle course.
Yes, we do that too, but we also have some open spaces out for more trees. I have planted a couple but they are small at the moment. And then there is the berry patch run, which I've just closed them out of for the time being. There is a long landing strip there. That's where I want to create an obstacle course.
You could use a row of lawn chairs!
Yes, we do that too, but we also have some open spaces out for more trees. I have planted a couple but they are small at the moment. And then there is the berry patch run, which I've just closed them out of for the time being. There is a long landing strip there. That's where I want to create an obstacle course.
Yeah, these are my living obstacle courses and they serve a dual purpose of feeding myself and my chickens.
You know what's really sad? The chicken I lost and the wounded chicken are both from my first girls. They are 4 years old and rarely lay eggs, but they are my favorites. Shirl was
Maybe a picnic table and chairs? One you could hose off... on account of all the poops :)
Well, if they are on top of it, the eagle will get them. For this reason we really have to think through the tunnel ideas. It's all so complicated, isn't it?

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