Bald Eagles?

I grew up with eagles, and we have them here also.
One year we came back from Sturgis and they had eaten all our muscovy hen ducks, and we saw them try to get the drake (with no success!).
Fascinating to watch them - BTW they are also dining on my neighbor's fighting cocks....
They are not a glamourous as you might think. Having grown up in Alaska eagles were common. If you wanted to show them to tourists you took them to the town dump, where you could watch them fight with the bears over dirty diapers and rotten food.
They are beautiful though. Once when I was teenager in the 70s found one on the beach with a broken wing. It was Labor day and we tried all day to get someone to come out to rescue it, to no avail. Had to leave it to drown during the next high tide.
The state of Washington has a couple eagle cams set up to watch eagle nests. I haven't checked them out this year yet. Plus several others for other animals.

Thanks for the link Imp---I was just in awe because you don't really see them here much--I never have. If we did have a decent population the local unscrupulous hunters would probably render them extinct and hang them all in their dens--LOL!

Disclaimer: Not all Florida hunters are unscrupulous... the above was just a joke.
You're welcome. Hope the cameras are working better this year than last. The batcam was pretty cool a couple years ago.
I think it's what you are used to. I would be in awe of alligators and some of the other Florida wildlife. We don't get many alligators around here. Someone did let some caymans loose in Seattle(Greenlake) about 15 years ago. And last year there were sightings of an alligator or croc at Lake Sammamish.

Imp- I don't swim in lakes anymore
Closes I've ever been to one I was 4x4ing in the woods near a river and when we came out of the woods I saw a full grown Bald Eagle on the river bank looking out at the water. I just stopped and watched it until it spred it's wings and flew off.
Dang, another reason why I can't free-range! I guess I really shouldn't complain that we have resident bald eagles that fly over all the time. I imagine that an Eagle would need a pretty wide area to swoop down and pick up a chicken, takes a lot to get those guys going again! Could anyone weigh in on this--would an eagle be less likely than a hawk to get into a pen?
You know that you could go to prison for harming a Bald Eagle? Even owning a feather can land you in lots of trouble, even one you find on the ground. You can't even touch one that's hurt. They are 100% off limits unless you have a permit, and those are hard to get.
We have them here.
But they have never made an attempt at my chickens. (Thank goodness!) I shoot ground hogs (there are just too many here and they destroy the fields)....and then throw the carcass out in the front pasture. 2 different times I have observed them dining on the carcasses! I have pics of them but it is on my other computer. When I get back to it I will post.
They are not the best pics. They were taken through my binoculars.
A few weeks ago my hubby was coming home thru Nashville. I-40 was shut down for a short while. There was an injured one on the side median between Nashville and Lebanon. Police, Fire Department and what looked like a Federal Vet SUV was there to capture it and take it to the hospital. Someone had shot it.

You'd think that would make the news but we never heard a word about it.

Hubby has a CB (Trucker)
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