Bananas killing chickens?

it is an interesting discussion, but hey, I would like to suggest a little reasoning for those who are now afraid to give their chickens or children a banana

remember cause and effect? as in, yesterday there was a rainbow and then a car crash, guess I shouldn't drive when there are rainbows because I don't want to crash my car. hmmm, these seem to be totally unrelated events!

as in, I gave my rooster a banana and then he...he what? crowed? mated a hen? scratched in the dirt? attacked the kid? Did the banana cause the crowing? the mating? the scratching? the attack? nah!. So fine to speculate and wonder and investigate and research, but there is enough anecdotal evidence cited on this thread by folks who have fed many many chickens with bananas and banana peels to know that feeding a banana won't kill your rooster.

can they choke? oh yeah! IF they had some sort of potassium imbalance, could 4 h kids feeding a bunch of bananas to a rooster cause a problem? don't know.

relax! it is tough when your chicken suddenly drops dead, but there are unfortunately lots of causes for that which can be totally unrelated to the last snack ingested.
Please forgive me my head is throbbing and I can't think straight! I reread a few posts and couldn't find anything about peels. Did I miss something? Mine get 2 peels every day. I have 27 (or so!) birds.

The reason mine haven't gotten the peals is because on the treats list, it says bananas with peal removed. it says the same thing about watermelon too that the rind should be removed but I throw the whole thing in , but thats another subject I guess, but i think i will still give them some of the overripe bananas that I have here.

Sorry this is a little late but I just got back from vacation!
I think I reread that treat list daily for the first 6 months, didn't want to make a mistake! However it has been a l-o-n-g while and it appears I need to refresh! I throw in the whole watermelon chunks too!
Rind and all and they devour the entire thing. It sure doesn't seem to hurt them. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
Personally, I throw everything to the chickens and if they don't want it, they don't eat it. No problems so far. Avocado peels, seeds, cherry pits, meat scraps, old dinner, potato peels that are raw, and about 50 other things on the list of do not give. Everything we eat that isn't moldy goes to the birds. That said, my birds free range and aren't inclined to eat things out of boredom which may happen in a cooped situation.
I have given my hens over ripe bananas for years and peeling always go in the scrap bucket. I sometimes worry I give my girls to many table scraps, but the bananas were not on my worry list of foods.
On the other hand they may get two or three bananas a week split between 14 chickens.
Wow... that means I can eat around 400 bananas and not have a problem. I was worried because yesterday I ate 392 and I did get a little worried.

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