Bananas killing chickens?

I'm not so sure about chickens, but I work with a dietitian who used to work at a kidney dialysis center. She told me that patients who didn't want to deal with their renal disease anymore would load up on potassium and kill themselves. Suicide by potato chip.

If you look up the lethal dose for potassium chloride on a page like this, the oral value is 2,600 mg per kilogram. If you weigh 75 kilograms (165 pounds), you would need to consume 75 * 2,600 = 195,000 mg of potassium to reach fatal levels. That's 487 bananas worth.
If you look up the lethal dose for potassium chloride on a page like this, the oral value is 2,600 mg per kilogram. If you weigh 75 kilograms (165 pounds), you would need to consume 75 * 2,600 = 195,000 mg of potassium to reach fatal levels. That's 487 bananas worth.
Yes,this is true. I was just thinking maybe there is some potassium in the supplements used. I wasn't trying to be a know it all
But if they died WHILE eating the bananas, the potassium wouldn't have gotten into their system yet. It would be sitting in their crop still.

I give mine bananas all the time.
That is very true!!
I am not a vet, but I do know about potassium. I doubt very much there is enough potassium in a banana to kill a chicken or anything else for that matter.
Must be some weird coincidence or possibly some trolling going on in this thread. Bananas do however have a lot of sugar in them, so should be considered a treat and given in small amounts. 😊
banannas are good for chickens actually.
heres why:
Bananas: Very nutritious, and most hens love them! High in vitamins B6, C & A also contains niacin, iron, magnesium, and other trace elements. Now you know what to do with those brown, spotty bananas!

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