Bantam Barnevelder? Help us figure out!

If she's been all puffed up for three weeks, something's definetly wrong. If she does poop, tell us what it looks like imediately. I hatched a bantam cockerel last year who was unnaturally light and his crop stopped filling up once he was three months old. Hec was always hungry, and one day he got so weak that he couldn't walk and passed away that day. 😔
What's wrong your girl is most likely something from birth, i'm afraid.

I'm no expert, but @speckledhen may be able to help.
Thank you for the info, we had gotten two barnevelders but one died
Looks awful. Something is wrong with her, for sure. Electrolytes, vitamins like baby PolyViSol without iron on scrambled eggs for protein is what I'd do, but I'm afraid this is probably not something you can fix. She's been like this for 3 weeks? That's ominous. Sounds like something wrong with all those birds from that place, but I'd treat for coccidiosis. Can't hurt, might help. Did you try any coccidiosis treatment like Corid in her water? Is her poop okay or bloody? Medicated feed isn't much use for Cocci. It's only a mild preventative, not a treatment, but I of course don't know what she's eating.
Adding that if it was only one, I'd say failure to thrive, but since she isn't the first, hmm.
Looks awful. Something is wrong with her, for sure. Electrolytes, vitamins like baby PolyViSol without iron on scrambled eggs for protein is what I'd do, but I'm afraid this is probably not something you can fix. She's been like this for 3 weeks? That's ominous. Sounds like something wrong with all those birds from that place, but I'd treat for coccidiosis. Can't hurt, might help. Did you try any coccidiosis treatment like Corid in her water? Is her poop okay or bloody? Medicated feed isn't much use for Cocci. It's only a mild preventative, not a treatment, but I of course don't know what she's eating.
Adding that if it was only one, I'd say failure to thrive, but since she isn't the first, hmm.
We haven't used Corid in her water, not sure on her poop yet, we feed all of our birds inculding her, organic scratch and peck grower feed, natural dried black solider fly larvae.
I know this isn't what you want to hear but you should mentally prepare yourself for her to not make it. Still try treating her for Cocci and everything else. If she does pass you know you did everything in your power to help her.
I completely agree. You do everything you can do as long as it doesn't add to her stress level and hope for the best, but poor thing doesn't look like she's long for this world. At least she has an owner who cares.
We got our barnevelder 9 1/2 weeks ago, we thought she was the standard size and while she was growing we noticed she stayed much smaller than all the other chicks that were the same age as her. Fast forward to today she is this size. Shes been this size for almost 3 weeks!
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She’s only a bit bigger than a toilet paper roll and the toilet paper roll is heavier than her. Nobody picks on her besides one we think is a cockerel.

One other thing we noticed is that shes always puffed out and her feet are on the cooler side. Anybody know why its happening? is it because shes cold because of how small she is?
Definitely not bantam. She's unwell. Very poor looking in that photo.
Looks awful. Something is wrong with her, for sure. Electrolytes, vitamins like baby PolyViSol without iron on scrambled eggs for protein is what I'd do, but I'm afraid this is probably not something you can fix. She's been like this for 3 weeks? That's ominous. Sounds like something wrong with all those birds from that place, but I'd treat for coccidiosis. Can't hurt, might help. Did you try any coccidiosis treatment like Corid in her water? Is her poop okay or bloody? Medicated feed isn't much use for Cocci. It's only a mild preventative, not a treatment, but I of course don't know what she's eating.
Adding that if it was only one, I'd say failure to thrive, but since she isn't the first, hmm.
All of this is good advice.
We haven't used Corid in her water, not sure on her poop yet, we feed all of our birds inculding her, organic scratch and peck grower feed, natural dried black solider fly larvae.
This does not sound like the best diet for young birds. What's the brand? Can you post photos of the nutritional information on the labels?
One other thing we noticed is that shes always puffed out and her feet are on the cooler side.
we separated her

She looks cold. That can be a symptom of several things (as other people have suggested.)

But you might try one really basic thing: provide her with a warm spot, and see if she chooses to sit there. A heat lamp, or maybe even a brooder plate, could work for that.

Make very sure she can get away from the heat if she wants to, because she may not need it or want it. But if she does want warmth, providing it may help her feel a little better while you try to figure out what else is going on and whether you can fix it.

her crop is empty right now
Obviously you should offer her normal feed and plain water, in addition to whatever else you try (I notice there are already several suggestions).

Many chickens like some wet food (normal food + water), so you might offer a small amount of that as well. If she doesn't eat it within a few hours, give it to the others so they can eat it up before it has time to spoil.

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